Showing posts with label bored. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bored. Show all posts


How to stop being bored and start being bold - Ted-Ed Student Talks

How to Stop Being Bored: Fun Ideas and Activities to Keep You Engaged

Do you ever feel like you're just not interested in anything? That everything seems to be a drag and you can't find anything that makes you happy? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience boredom from time to time. In this blog post, we will discuss some fun ideas and activities that can help keep you engaged and prevent boredom from taking over your life!

So, what exactly is boredom? Boredom is defined as "the feeling of being tired or restless because you are doing something that is not interesting or exciting." In other words, it's the feeling of being uninterested in what you're doing. We've all been there before. Maybe you're stuck in a job you don't like, or maybe you're just going through a phase where nothing seems fun anymore. Whatever the case may be, boredom is a totally normal emotion to feel.

Be active!

One way to stop being bored is to find something that interests you and focus your attention on that. It can be anything! Maybe you've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar or knit. Or maybe you've been wanting to learn a new language or organize your home. Whatever it is, finding a new hobby or activity to focus on can help you stop feeling bored.

Be engaged!

Another way to stop being bored is to socialize more. Spend time with friends and family, go out and meet new people, or join a club or group that aligns with your interests. When you're around others, you're likely to feel more engaged and less bored.  Consider the following teen's boring summer experience.

The teen felt bored all day long and had no idea what to do with himself. He would wake up and eat some food from the kitchen before going back into his room for more hours of internet surfing or playing games on phone screens.  It wasn't any wonder that this kid was not only bored but frustrated too by everything around him-he was still trying to figure out his place in life still.

The teen's boredom stemmed from the lack of creativity and purpose in his life. If he had structured his days better, he would not have been as bored. He could have spent time reading, writing, exploring new ideas, or learning new skills. Without something to focus on, the teen wasted his summer simply looking at his phone and eating.

Be present!

Lastly, one of the best ways to stop being bored is to simply live life more fully. Be present in each moment and savor the experiences you have. Don't take life for granted – appreciate the good moments and learn from the bad ones. When you live life more fully, boredom becomes less of a problem. 

If you find yourself feeling bored often, try out some of these tips! They might just help you find a new interest or passion that'll make life a little more exciting. 

Do you have any tips on how to stop being bored? Share them in the comments below! Thanks for reading.

Nicholl is the blog owner and the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?


Why Boredom is Good For You - Veritasium

5 Things to Avoid When Already Feeling Bored

As much as we love our luxury items like that comfy chair or electronic device that has everything under the sun on it, these are also the things that at times keep us in a bored state of mind too.

The comforts of home keep the body in a relaxed state, but sometimes the mind fights for change.  “When are we going to do something different?”  One is moody, tired, and wanting to change routine, but doesn’t.  Why?  From a daily routine that is not easily broken to running away from responsibilities, people bore themselves to tears simply using what they love way too much only to look for yet another thing and another to entertain them!  It is a vicious cycle that even the body begins to rebel against.

1) Television

It doesn’t matter what you watch, you find yourself flipping through channels mindlessly.  It is easier just to sit back and enjoy the show; rather than prepare yourself to go out into the world and have a real life experience.  Television shows lull you into a trance and make you feel like you can’t go anywhere even when you should.  Like a hypnotist controlling his or her willing subject, so too are you who is allowing a man-made device to control your thoughts and movements for many hours.  It isn’t any wonder why most people don’t get much done on their off days?  They also experience weight gain and what is sure to follow is the following: achy joints, back pain, poor vision, memory issues, frequent head aches and more!

2) Recliner

Absolutely a wonderful invention wouldn’t you agree?  But it also becomes a problem when you don’t do much else, but sit day after day, week after week.  You feel comfortable and at ease for a time.  Yet, your body wants to be active and will fight you for not doing what it wants.  Can we say a future with increase sickness awaits you?

3) Gaming

Like television, gaming entertainment is a great escape when you don’t want to face reality, but consider how much time you have already put in.  Wins and losses can be overwhelming.  The games just aren’t as fun as they used to be.  If you are not only bored with some games, but in a sour mood too, just stop!  But if you can’t, you are an addict.

4) Computer

No one can talk to you when in front of the computer.  No one is permitted to enter when your on the computer.  No matter what you do on the computer, it is never enough!  Computer usage becomes boring, when one has no plan for its use and no cut off time either!

5) Phone

Whether you are talking, swiping, scrolling, typing, or whatever you do, this too can be draining and especially boring when you do the same thing for hours everyday.  Give that phone a break!  Chances are someone who needs to talk to you is being given little or no attention.  Don’t be surprised when they deem you boring and move on.

The key to ending those negative feelings surrounding boredom is to make a point not to continue to participate in activities that tire and bore you.  Take time away from each device by getting outdoors, visiting relatives and friends, attending a special event, or having fun anywhere but in front of an electronic device.  Take frequent breaks and rotate your entertainment as well as limit the amount of time that you use it.    

Nicholl McGuire is the creator of this blog and author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? and other books.

When You're Bored Try...

Sometimes boredom comes out of no where and any where!  You were quite busy only a moment ago, accomplished much from your "To Do List," and then suddenly you are sitting there with nothing to do.  Maybe you still have a few more things to complete, but boredom and procrastination has taken over at the same time, bummer!

Here are some tips on getting out of that "I'm bored..." attitude and on with life!

1)  Try listening to your favorite up tempo music.  This helps when you have been working in a quiet atmosphere for hours.  You can also stop by YouTube and search for classical or brainwave music that energizes.  Here on this blog off to the right is Revolution Radio, check out their playlist as well.

2)  Get up and move around i.e.) stretch, take a walk, jog, etc.  Seated in an office chair relaxes your body so much in fact that you start to feel tired and lazy.  There are some great videos around the web to help out.

3)  Converse with your neighbor when permitted if you are at work.  Share how you feel, ask him or her a question about interests/family/job.  Time goes by a little faster when you talk to others.

4)  Fix or organize something in your workspace or at home.  Thinking about a task helps take your mind away from how bored you feel.  You start to feel more alive and productive when you finally get to those projects you have been putting off for a long time.

5)  You probably already viewed your phone and scrolled through websites.  How about purging apps on your phone, reorganizing them, and reaching out to a few contacts with a fun image expressing your boredom.

6)  Start up the car and simply drive.  No particular destination, just drive.  A thought or two will come to you like the milk, eggs, butter, juice, and bread you have yet to buy.  Check out B vitamins (or alternatives), they are great in keeping most people energized throughout the day.

7)  Read things you promised yourself you would get to one day like books, documents, brochures, etc.

8)  Go back to those websites in your favorites listed in your Internet browser and register like you planned on doing like how many weeks or even years ago!

9)  Schedule your dentist or doctor's appointment--stop putting that off, you don't want things to get worse!

10)  Write a letter or mail out a greeting card to your favorite people (it doesn't have to be a holiday season)--wouldn't they be shocked!  People do still like to receive other things in the mail besides bills and junk.

I'm sure you can think of a few more things you can do.  Back to work...

Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? and the blog owner.


Interesting Page for People who are Bored Looking for New Sites to Check Out

This is a website I stumbled across for people who are bored. If you want to discover some interesting sites, do push the bored button on the site.  Cool stuff, see Bored Button.


20 Things to Do with Your Time Right Now

Surfing the Internet can take up much of your time especially when you don't have any idea what you want to do online.  You might be bored, so here is a quick list of some things you can do now or might jog your memory to get meaningful tasks done.

1.  Plan out your work week include tasks you plan to accomplish.
2.  Sort your clothing and prepare your pieces for work/school.
3.  Search for a summer job or additional ways to boost your income.
4.  Call back people who reached out to you.
5.  Update your social media pages.
6.  Expand your existing network by searching for additional online connections.
7.  Play some cool games with family and friends.
8.  Make plans to visit your favorite people.
9.  Pen a letter and include photos, creations, etc. then send to those distant relatives who haven't heard from you in awhile. (Is someone's birthday coming up?)
10.  Work on hobbies.
11.  Research things you already do and look for ways to do them better.
12.  Organize messy rooms.
13.  Clean areas that have spots, stains, odors, etc.
14.  Apologize to someone you may have offended on or offline.
15.  If you have children, take them out for a walk, visit a play area, or do something different.
16.  Purchase a book, video or something you have been meaning to buy.
17.  Watch a favorite movie you haven't seen in a long time.
18.  If you are in a relationship, plan an outing together.
19.  Say "I love you" to someone.
20.  Read a wise book like the Bible and apply some of what you learn to your life.

Enjoy your day and have fun getting things done!

Nicholl McGuire


Bored, Bitter, and Angry?

What a combination, the 3 Bs: bored, bitter and angry!  Sometimes the only thing you can do when experiencing all three is to get out more.  Appreciate the positive people, places and things you do have within your grasp.  Then take the time out to find out what has been causing you emotional upset lately and how can you solve your issues.  With a little quiet time, pen and paper, you just might free yourself from the blues.  -- Nicholl McGuire



Bored with Everything? We Have All Been There

Boring routines, people, places and things (sigh).  It happens just bored with it all--what gives?  How many times do we go around and around with the same stuff, same food, same everything?  I get it, been there, done that and what I can tell you is before you start rearranging things, telling people where to go, and running away to do something wild, take a deep breath.  That's it, one slow, long deep breath.  Look around your dwelling or wherever you might be reading this and ponder for a moment, you aren't naked, hungry, in a desert with weird insects all around, and someone is standing next to you with a gun to your temple.  But hey, you just might want that kind of adventure or maybe that's a bit much and you will take boredom any day over something like that (by the way that never happened to me just an example).  In the meantime, consider doing something that will be beneficial to you.  Try something that might make additional money, enhance your health, enlighten you spiritually, and keep you out of trouble with loved ones or worse the law.

I thought of how might I break boring routines when I put this blog together years ago.  I considered what else I could be doing in the moment besides sighing about how bored I was.  I also thought about some personal decisions that I made that aided in my boredom over the years.  Unfortunately, I didn't handle bored feelings in the past well and so impulse decision-making came screaming forth and soon I stopped being bored, but I also caused myself many messes to clean up personally.

Boredom can be your best friend or your worse enemy if you don't handle the relationship with self correctly.  Before long you will find yourself wishing/hoping/waiting for you, a loved one(s) or something to change, when none will.  So focus on one or two small things that might interest you to draw you out of bored feelings.  You can scroll through this blog to help provide you with some ideas.

Have a safe and happy weekend!

Nicholl McGuire is the author of many books and other creative work.  She sells useful gadgets and media online.  In addition, the wife and mother of four provides spiritual insight online and when not at home, she enjoys great times outdoors walking, shopping, and visiting cool places.


The Truth is Boredom Might Really Mean Procrastination

A long list of things to do and an individual prefers to sit around and do nothing, bug others, or whine and complain about how bored he or she is.  Knowing full well chores need to be done, a resume might need to be written or updated, as well as other responsibilities, and yet the older or younger person cries in speech and actions, "I'm bored."

Sometimes boredom shows up in a disguise called, Procrastination.  When you notice someone looking as if he or she doesn't know what to do with his or herself, chances are the individual is avoiding doing something.  If you are that person, take a moment and interview yourself, "What have I yet to do?  What am I avoiding?  How can I be more productive with my time?" You can help someone else out too with his or her "I'm bored" issue. 

A little quiet time and conversation with self or a friend will most likely send you or that person out of bored feelings and on with getting things done today.

Have a great week!

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Genealogy X: What to Expect When Researching Family History, get your copy.

6 Things that Will Make You Feel Bored

Sometimes we bring boredom on ourselves.  We just don't enjoy life, because we settle or compromise way too much when it comes to what others desire while overriding what we truly want.  
1)  Going somewhere you really don't want to go.

People find themselves bored at events because they were never sold on the idea in the first place.  So when they don't have a good time, they look to find fault and place blame on someone or something. Save yourself both money and time and simply pass on the invites you know you will not enjoy.

2)  Talking to people you just don't like.

Ever sit in a circle with family or friends and start to feel like you don't want to be there?  Sometimes there is one or more in the group that you really wish you could connect with, but to no avail.  One spoiled apple can make the whole batch bad.  In time, you are tired of being around them all.  Choose your company wisely!  

3)  Playing games that you no longer enjoy.

When you can't afford to buy a new game, don't feel like shopping for a new one, or have some other reasons as to why you keep playing a game you are bored with, you are bringing on bored feelings. Get rid of the game and try something different to uplift your mind, body and spirit.  What are some alternatives to the game?  What are some genres you never tried?  What are some up and coming games?

4)  Thinking about stuff in your mind that has little, if anything, to do with you.

You can bore yourself silly (and others) thinking about things that are uninteresting, boring, and stupid.  Eventually what is in the mind is sure to come out the mouth.  Ponder on things that are beneficial to you and cast away others' dramas.

5)  Eating foods you know you don't enjoy.

Sitting down to a boring meal can make you feel moody afterward and hungry for something else.  A frequent unfulfilled appetite will cause you to mistreat others, gain weight and have a variety of issues, so watch eating meals that don't help your brain, body, and spirit.

6)  Going to bed when you don't feel the least bit tired.

Tossing and turning all night is useless.  Why focus on making yourself go to bed when you can fall asleep naturally if you wear yourself out before retiring?  Exercise, write, read, organize, watch a documentary, listen to music that helps relax your mind, and do other things that will assist you with your sleep.

When you repeatedly do boring things and find little enjoyment in any of them, you will find yourself battling with boredom in other areas of your life.  So cut out the things that contribute to your unhappiness and celebrate the people, things and activities that uplift you!

Nicholl McGuire


The Origin of the Sense of Boredom by Rupert Spira

Lazy, Lost and Luck - Boredom Will Bring On All Three

Spend enough days doing nothing and you will go from being bored with all your gadgets, the people around you, and hobbies that you will become quite lazy.  Before long, you lose sight of what is needs to get accomplished each day.  You find yourself wandering around, lost and confused.  You have very little stamina, no sense of direction, and most likely are angering someone around you while stuffing your face with comfort foods.  But sooner or later, luck, as some would like to put it, will come your way.  A long period of doing nothing has a way of not only bringing on upset, but good times too, so stay strong mentally, physically and spiritually.


Routines get old when it comes to work and sometimes unemployment comes out of nowhere. It can be a good thing depending on how stressful the previous job might have been.  Boring times can help some come out of constant moodiness.  Just as one grows weary of being at home, a person can get tired of a job.  There is no challenge, leadership is a bore, workers are boring, and there just doesn't seem to be any life at the workplace.  Laziness has a way of showing up in environments like these. Then there are those moments when you don't know if you even want to work there anymore, much less stay in your career field.  After a drought period of worry, stress, and boredom, what do you know?  Changes are made and you don't find yourself so bored after all.


When one is lost in the sea of boredom, he or she isn't too happy.  The family often wonders what is going on with the individual.  Life just isn't stimulating and oftentimes the bored person is struggling internally with any number of issues.  Sometimes it is simply the aging process and all that comes with it.  Other times it is a negative mindset about the people, places and things around them.  But whatever the issue, even when one is lost, there will come a point when the individual will see the light and do some things differently.  The best thing that anyone can do when around a lost person experiencing boredom is just make life less chaotic, leave that person alone to think while suggesting some things that might get the individual back on track, but don't overdo it.  Making the transition from being bored for a quite awhile in a marriage, at a job, with a hobby, parenting, or something else is a process and takes time to fill up the time with stimulating activities.

Experiencing laziness, feeling at a lost, and hoping for a lucky event are all common with bored people.  There is no cause for alarm unless one's sulking, complaining, or spending money is causing harm, stress, etc.  If you are going through this period in your life, you will need to start forcing yourself out of this rut.  Do a lot of self-talk.  State out loud what bothers you.  Write down problems and solutions.  Most of all, avoid the temptation to want to spend most of your hard-earned money or someone else's gambling on games, fruitless business opportunities and similar things.  Consider this, there is something good just around the corner, but you will need to have the mind, body, and spirit to handle it, so get those areas in your life in shape! Don't be caught off guard and miss out on a quality life experience sleeping or sitting on the couch eating your cares away.  Also, save your money because most good things we experience in this life have a price.

Nicholl McGuire shares spiritual insight on YouTube channel: nmenterprise7


5 Things You Need to Know About Being Bored

It happens to everyone and the fact you stopped by this blog says one of two things either you are bored or curious, then again you might be both.    So what are five things you need to know about boredom that many don't give much thought to when they are bored with people, places and things?

1.  You will not get anything accomplished if your only focus is on how bored you are.  Embrace it and be grateful that you have some time to yourself.  It won't be long before your time will  not be your own again and someone or something will dictate much of it.

2.  When you are bored, you are adjusting to something new, something different.  Consider it a needed break from life routines you already mastered.  Soon it will be time to face a new challenge, are you up for it?

3.  Boredom helps with stimulating thought about the life lessons missed, the people you forgot about, and the tasks you have yet to do.  What are you doing or not doing that is making you or others feel bored?

4.  If you are often bored, ask yourself, why and what do you plan on doing about it?  This pause in your day could be an opportunity for you to fix something, tend to an issue you overlooked, or do something else.  When it comes to relationships, you will want to take a close look as to what is it about someone that makes you feel bored around them.  He or she may not be a good match for you.

5.  Too much boredom will eventually catch up to you.  Many people could have avoided much hardship had they not been busybodies, trouble-makers, ignoring signs things are getting bad, and distracted by others who were idle.  Don't get in the habit of doing nothing about your boredom issues.  If you are that bored, seek assistance from someone who might could help.  Also, check this site for interesting things people have done when they were bored.

Hold on to those moments when you come out of your boring slump, notice how you are feeling. You might recall how you got out of our boredom the next time.  Try to remain positive, times like these don't last for always!

Nicholl McGuire

The Most Productive Thing You Can Do When You're Bored...

Sometimes boredom can be a blessing in disguise!  The most productive thing you can do when you are bored is to question things. 

Much has been accomplished in the world when someone just simply sat back and questioned a situation, a problem, someone's reaction, a news story, an historic event, etc.  It is through that question that one also finds solutions/plans/benefits.

Let's say someone told you something that really bothered you.  You had a moment during the day to think about it.  You wondered, "Why did she tell me that?"  Then your mind begins to think of all the issues surrounding that person's dilemma.  Too stressed, worried, and busy, the person who came to you with the problem doesn't know what to do.  But your moment of boredom brought on some solutions, so you approach the person with them.  At first, she might be hesitant about what you came up with.  But after some time has passed, she just might take your advice.

When we have much on our minds, but are unable to accomplish anything due to any number of factors, it is during downtime that we can better solve problems.  Sometimes what we think is a big deal is usually not.  There are usually other ways to come up with solutions, but if we don't permit ourselves to be bored sometime, it can take much longer to find answers.

Nicholl McGuire, author of Know your Enemy: The Christian's Critic, When Mothers Cry, Laboring to Love Myself, and other books.


Bored - So I Went to My Contact List, Phone Book

Sometimes you can learn a lot simply by picking up the phone and talking to someone you haven't spoken to in awhile.  The start of a new year is a good excuse to catch up.  A simple "Happy New Year" breaks the ice and before you know it, you are discovering things about family, business, community, spirituality, and more.

I thought about those past moments I could have called some people a long time ago, but hesitated for any number of reasons.  I personally think the best time to talk to anyone is when you aren't pressed about tackling a task list or worried about others.  You don't feel overwhelmed, stressed and have people and things in the background distracting you and making noises through the phone.  Therefore, you can really enjoy your conversation with family, friends, co-workers, business and prayer partners.

Recently, I found that my perception of one person I hadn't talked to in awhile was much different than what I had originally thought.  I guess with the busyness of life I never really paid that close attention to him. 

I learned that a relative had took a big step in his life that was so great, I joked, "Jesus must be coming!"  That phone call turned into a spiritually encouraging conversation.

I utilized my "I'm bored" time, and ended up being a help to a relative that had been struggling with a technological issue after calling her.  She too was bored, but was relieved to have her problem resolved. 

Another phone call, brought relief to my poor soul that thought there was something wrong with a family member, but now feels better.  I would have still worried had I not picked up the phone.

So when one is bored and feeling good, a brief conversation with loved ones and acquaintances--while staying positive--will do you well and might bring a blessing to you.

Nicholl McGuire


Idle Time Can Create Unnecessary Drama - 4 Things You Can Do to Avoid Future Trouble

Whether home all alone or hanging out with friends, if someone claims, "I'm bored."  You just might want to do some things to avoid potential trouble. 

Most people end up with all sorts of drama in their lives, because they just don't know what to do with their free time if it isn't being dictated by someone else.  From the child with a busy parent or the spouse who has lost his job, when one has much idle time on his or her hands, he or she must do something about it and sometimes wrong decisions will be made.  So here are some things you might want to do to avoid future drama at home.

1.  Avoid inappropriate websites.  You know the ones that if someone walked in and saw what you were looking a relative or friend would freak.  List things that you can improve on and look those things up.  What have you been putting off lately?

2.  Ignore relatives and friends who you know are trouble.  The day you finally decide to go out with Loser Lonny is the day that he is going to get you to do something you know you have no business doing.  Don't fall into the temptation of riding in someone's car just because you are bored.  If you don't know where you are going or what you might doing when you get there, you are already in trouble.

3.  Say no to the offer of drugs, alcohol, sex, and whatever else that might cause a future dispute with someone close to you.  Addictions creep up on the unsuspecting because it all started with a tempting offer and before long you just can't get enough.  Avoid trouble from the start and you won't have to worry over lies told, broken hearts, and other future issues.

4.  Find something to do.  Maybe you haven't bothered to think hard enough on what you could be doing other than feeling bored.  A simple walk and some time to one's self of doing nothing will generate some thoughts on what you could be doing.  Take a pen and pad out and start jotting down some notes.  Make a To Do list.  Write how you feel about different people, places and things.  If your thoughts might be hurtful to someone else, pen them, but then shred or tear up notes afterward.  You will experience a sense of peace.

Just think of the many people who are in jail now because they allowed selfish desires of wanting to escape boredom get the best of them.

Nicholl McGuire is a blogger, author and YouTuber, you will find some spiritual insight on a variety of topics from relationships to business on her channel nmenterprise7. 

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