Showing posts with label relocation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relocation. Show all posts


Apartment Leasing Tips: All that Glitters Ain't Gold - Bad Rental Properti...

Apartment Leasing Tips: All that Glitters Ain't Gold - Bad Rental Properti...: Apartment leasing staff are typically told about a variety of issues in a rental property by the renters.  Some will address needs very quic...


Is It Okay For Moms To Get Bored?

When Desperate Housewives first came on the air I was glued to the program not because of the sex and scandal, but because of the character Lynette. She seemed so real to me and represented so much of what I felt and still feel today about motherhood.

In one episode Lynette was in the grocery store, looking frazzled and obviously terrorized by her boys when she has an encounter with one of those perfect mothers. This lady was done up beautifully with an angelic child that sat quietly in the grocery cart. This Stepford beauty smiled over at Lynette and said, “Don’t you just love being a mother?”

Lynette then did what anyone would do in her situation and simply smiled and nodded. But the truth was that she didn’t really love being a mom, that she didn’t fit into that mould like she thought she should and that she missed her old role in the workforce.

I feel like Lynette from those older episodes. As though there is a certain motherhood mould that I will just never be able to squeeze into. Although I love my kids with a fierceness I’ve never experienced before, I am ashamed to say that I do get bored with our day-to-day lives. I don’t find Treehouse TV intellectually stimulating and most children’s books are kind-of annoying (I mean, read Jack and the Beanstalk and think about what you would do as a poor woman with a stupid boy that just sold your last cow for a couple of magic beans!). To top it all off, cleaning the house causes my already mentally stunted brain to shut down. I usually count down the hours until Ken gets home from work each and every day.

I watched 20/20 the other week and they did a segment on an article from London’s Daily Mail by Helen Kirwan-Taylor entitled, “Sorry, but my children bore me to death!”. The author of the article is a little extreme in her boredom, but it made me feel better that I wasn’t alone in feeling a little mentally numb at the end of the day.

Well, until 20/20 interviewed other moms about the article. They crucified Kirwan-Taylor. One person wrote on their blog that she should “do the world a favor and don’t reproduce.” Another post read, “Your lack of parental love borders on child abuse.”

To be honest, after reading her article and listening to the scathing responses to it, I guess that it’s okay to be in the middle of the road. Even though I feel completely bored and brain-dead by the end of each and every day, at least I know that being a stay-at-home-mom is the most important thing I can be at this point in life. I truly do think it’s worth the sacrifice of a little less cash and a little less mental stimulation to be with them everyday during these important infant and toddler years. Plus, I do make a consistent effort to help my children explore the world around them through a variety of different activities.

We read books, watch some TV together, play with Play-Doh, build block castles, play with trains, do crafts and colouring and play outside (well, maybe not all those activities every day, but some or most of them each day). I take the girls to swimming lessons and take Devin to ballet (even though I may bring a book on the days that Teri and Cassie can’t make it). Despite not feeling like I fit the mould, I still try to squeeze into it on a daily basis.

So even though I do feel bored with many of the day-to-day aspects of being a stay-at-home-mom, at least I try, right? That should win me a few brownie points.

About the Author
Jamie Leggatt is a freelance writer, wife and mother to two little girls. You can share her daily challenges as a stay-at-home-mom by visiting her blog, Or share in her struggle with depression at

Five Things You Must Do Before You Relocate to a New State

A better opportunity has come for you. You are ready to embark on a new journey in your life and you may be excited, nervous, anxious and sad all at the same time. You don't want to leave any stone unturned in your preparations; therefore, you will need to check and double check your "to do" list. The following information may not be on your list or you may have overlooked some things you still have to do.

Be sure to have all finances managed.

Before you said yes to any offer in another state or overseas, did the company agree to pay for your move? If they did, good for you; however, if they didn't, then you will need to be sure that money is available at your fingertips before you go anywhere. Do you know how much money you will be receiving from your previous job? How much will you need to live on before you get paid at your next job? How much will you have left in savings after you pay for transportation, delivery of your goods, food for travel, clothing (in case there is a change of climate,) reference materials such as a foreign language or culture book, maps, etc.? Think about what you would ask a relative or friend if they were relocating. Do you know for sure that you will be receiving a tax refund this year? If you have neglected to pay your taxes in previous years, owe money or have outstanding government loans, this may be the season that they will come to collect. Don't solely count on that money. Do you have any credit cards with an open line of credit? This will definitely come in handy for future unexpected expenses. Is anyone willing to help you if you should be in a bind? Everyone needs at least one person they can count on in a financial crisis. Do you have anything that you can sell that will make you some additional money such as a baseball card or stamp collection? Do you know the monetary value of your collectibles?

Paperwork for employment offer and new residence has been finalized.

You may have been in contact via phone with the Human Resources department, but did anyone send you a formal letter that states you have the job? Have you signed any paperwork that acknowledges this fact? Don't travel on promises. What about your new residence? Have you seen it in person or are you relying on someone else's opinion? How much money do you still owe for the security deposit and the rent? Has someone from the office sent you a grand total on your rent? You may have to make the sacrifice to visit the area you will be living and the environment you will be working at least one more time before you pack up the family. Companies have been known to withdraw employment offers and property management offices have been known to lie. Don't get the surprise of your life by not researching enough, getting all offers in writing and most of all knowing when and how you will be paid.

Budget with your keepsakes in mind.

Don't let these items be the last to be packed. Since these items can't be replaced, have them packed well, insured and mailed first. These items you will refer back to when nostalgia sets in while living at your new place. Nostalgia will come whether you like it or not and sometimes you will want to reflect on your life and how much better you are doing now, what you miss about your past and why you needed change.

All pertinent companies have your contact information.

You may be so excited about everything that is happening that you may have forgotten about some companies you may still have some unresolved business. Check with utility companies to ensure that the lights, telephone and gas will be cut off on your desired dates. When contacting the cable company, be available to give them their equipment back to avoid future charges. Your previous employer will need your new address to send your W2 as well. Check to see that all banking and credit card information has been updated with your new address. Also, any of the businesses you may interact with online should also be informed of your new contact information. Have you discontinued magazine subscriptions or forwarded them to your new address? Don't rely on your neighbors to check your mailbox; instead visit the post office and notify them to forward your mail. If you do this in advance and not at the last minute, you will not have to worry over any important correspondence. Most of all, don't forget about family and friends who may need your address to send you something in the mail.

Meet with relatives before you leave.

You may be busy and haven't yet begun to scratch the surface in terms of getting your relocation tasks completed; however, you will need to make contact with the relatives you sincerely care about who may one day be your only support system. When holidays approach, send cards or invite relatives over for smaller gatherings such as watching a movie together, drinking some coffee and eating desserts, help with packing and cleaning house or errand running. You may not want a large gathering simply because you don't want to use your needed money to entertain. Also, you may have relatives that want to spend one-on-one time with you and may feel comfortable sharing stories, money and other assistance without the watchful eye of other family members. Making time for relatives before you leave creates memories, builds relationships and helps you mentally and physically cope with any unforeseen obstacles. However, relatives whom you have unresolved issues with you may not want them to come around. They may become negative and say things that you just can't stand to hear during this emotional time in your life. Remember to stay focus on your plans, don't feel the need to defend your actions and stay positive!

Nicholl McGuire
Blog Owner

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