Whether at the doctor's office, at a game, or outside in the parking lot, if you do any one of these five things, you will feel like you have accomplished something during boring times.
1. Check your phone for old messages and delete them.
2. Take out a piece of paper and a pen and create a "To Do" list, brainstorming list, or any other list you might find useful to accomplish tasks.
3. Take a moment and return calls.
4. Organize the area around you--someone just might thank you for it. For instance, shopping cart near a car, magazines disorderly, or trash lying near your feet?
5. Take a moment and talk to someone you don't know. Sometimes just chatting with someone will motivate you to do better in your own life!
Nicholl McGuire also shares insightful spiritual video at YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.
1. Check your phone for old messages and delete them.
2. Take out a piece of paper and a pen and create a "To Do" list, brainstorming list, or any other list you might find useful to accomplish tasks.
3. Take a moment and return calls.
4. Organize the area around you--someone just might thank you for it. For instance, shopping cart near a car, magazines disorderly, or trash lying near your feet?
5. Take a moment and talk to someone you don't know. Sometimes just chatting with someone will motivate you to do better in your own life!
Nicholl McGuire also shares insightful spiritual video at YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.