Showing posts with label boredom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boredom. Show all posts



5 Things You Might Want to Do Before You Become Bored with Someone or Something

Have you got a bit of time?  Good.  Just a friendly reminder to head off those future bored feelings sooner rather than later.  Consider the following five tips.

1.  Take a break from the activity.  From talking with someone to tending to a task, don't keep doing something until you tire of it.  Break frequently if you know you tend to get bored easily.

2.  Change up routines.  Starting to feel like you don't want to do anything more than what you already do weekend after weekend?  Well it might seem okay right now and so you go on with the typical, but in time you will bore.  Break up some of the same ole, same ole with new activities.

3.  Don't assume others might become bored of someone or something.  Take control of your own emotions when it comes to what might be potentially boring to you, but may not be for others.  You should never suggest they do something different when they haven't given you any indication that they want to.

4.  Plan your day so that you can get a variety of things done rather than just one.  This way you won't become bored with something important and then just abandon it altogether.

5.  If you know that you or others will be traveling somewhere and might get bored, plan in advance different things to do while on your trip.

Boredom is a state of mind.  Like with most things, when the mind is telling you it no longer wants to do something by shutting down, forgetting often, or not listening anymore to others, obey it and do something unique.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? and other books.


When You're Bored, You are Most Likely to Get in Trouble

When some typical busybodies get bored, they usually get into trouble, because they have been somewhere or did something they had no business doing.  But what was the motivation for them to get into trouble in the first place?  Boredom.  They grew weary of routines, people, places, and things.  "I am open to trying something new..." the bored guy tells his friends.  Before long, he is doing and saying some things he would have never done before.

Now trying new things isn't always wrong.  If you are attempting to better yourself, help others, and overall just be a blessing and not a curse to humanity, then so be it.  But some people allow a wayward, bored mind to get the best of them to the point of causing much discord for self and others.  These individuals will take a chance, put their lives at risk, because they are simply bored!  "I called her name, picked on her...I was bored.  I cheated on them, well because I was bored with the relationships.  I quit my job, yeah I know that was stupid, but I was bored!"

When you don't have a plan, some sort of focus as to why you are doing what you are doing, that's when trouble finds you!  Objectives must be updated for the bored mind, before he or she self-destructs!

You've heard people say, "I was minding my own business when...I was just wandering around when...I didn't go over there, she came to me..."  Doesn't matter!  A bored, tired mind (especially with no motivation for living) will end up at the wrong place at the wrong time more often than he or she cares to admit.  Trouble doesn't come around as often (notice I didn't say it never comes) to one who planned his or her day better, paid close attention to his or her instincts, and took necessary precautions.

Trouble will find you at some point and test your faith, money, health, family and more, but it doesn't have to claim one's life sooner, if one watches for signs and uses wise teachings to fight back.
Listens to those messengers along your life's journey that say, "Don't go there tonight...that's not a good idea...why don't you stay home...what about doing something else rather than..." 

Nicholl McGuire shares videos at YouTube channel: nmenterprise7.  See here.


Why Be Bored?

At times you might find that you are bored. This is not something that most people like feeling. In reality there is no reason to be bored because there are plenty of things that you can be doing.
The first thing that you should look into doing is something that is completely new. There is so much to experience in the world that you can start by doing something that is different than the normal things you do. If money is an issue, there are probably many free new things that you can get involved in.
Try to become part of new groups and clubs in your local area. With the internet it's easy to find a wide variety of sites that have clubs that are doing things in your local area. This will help you do more things and meet new people.
Go back and start doing something that you used to love. Many times there are old hobbies that haven't been done in years. Start doing one of these again and see if it's still fun.
Connect with old friends that you used to have. Surely there are more than a few that you haven't talked to in quite awhile. You might get old friendships started again and find some new activities to do together.
Pick a subject you have always wanted to learn and start learning it. With the use of the internet, it's very easy to do this at low cost.
If you are bored, you might need a break or vacation from your normal routines. If you can't afford this, try taking a day or two off and relaxing doing things that aren't too stressful.
You might be bored because you are tired of just entertaining yourself. Turn your focus outward to the issues and problems going on in your local community. Volunteer and help out so that you can be helpful to someone else's life.
Emile has been writing articles on various products and topics over the past few years.


Is it Time For Something Different?

Each day passes by and the same things seem to happen. You may wonder why things do not seem to change. Perhaps you wonder why things always seem the same. Maybe you are wishing for just a bit of something different.

But what are you doing?

If you are like many people you wake up everyday at the early light of morning. Race out the door to work. Work until 5 o'clock. Sit in traffic. Have a particular routine each evening. Then on weekends you spend your time doing chores. You have certain routines for certain days of the week.

Where is the variety?

The adage is "Variety is the spice of life." It is true. You need variety to discover new things, to expand your mind. Your mind loves new experiences. Eat something you normally would not. Listen to different radio station, even better a different genre of music. You can even do something as simple as choosing a different route to work.

Why try something different?

When you do something different, you are actually changing things in your brain. You are giving your brain different stimulus. Even with a little bit of variety or change, your ideas or perceptions of things may change.

What do you see something different?

If you drive a certain route to work, you see the same sights. Choosing a variant route may mean you still see the same sights but from another angle. You might be surprised at how things look a bit different from what you normally see.

How does your mind see things?

Your brain receives stimulus from the things you see, feel and hear. This little change up will create all new information. With the new information, you may see things differently or see where things need to be changed.

Do you want answers?

The new information may help you realize new ways to solve problems. It is surprising how often solutions to problems appear with doing something different. Perhaps something you would never have considered or maybe an answer that was staring at you but you just could not see it.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein

Variety creates changes. A minor change in what you do see or experience can create a mental change. A mental change can help you get a different results or get different answers. You may realize what you need to do to make your life that much better!

Are you in need of some motivation? Want some tips to help you succeed?

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Your future success and motivation will grow with the daily tips available at VISIT TODAY.

By MJ Schrader


Boredom Can Shorten Your Life According To Research By University College London

Boredom can shorten you life, according to research carried out by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London.

The specialists from the department looked at data from 7,524 civil servants between the ages of 35 and 55 during the period between 1985 and 1988. Those civil servants who said that they were bored were nearly 40% more likely to have died by the end of the study than those who said they were not.

It was also found that there was sufficient evidence to link heart disease to boredom.

But why do some people claim that they are bored to death?

• This may be due to the work they are doing being not challenging enough. They need to find something more challenging and stimulating to do at work or else they'll really be bored to death.

• Sometimes boredom could be the result of depression. If you're depressed, you usually lose interest in what you are doing. Depression interferes with your work, social and family life.

• People have too much time on their hands. These people include retirees and wealthy people with not very much to do to keep themselves occupied.

• People with high intelligence are grouped with people with average intelligence. Take the case of a very intelligent child being in the same class as children of average intelligence. The intelligent child picks up information very quickly and is ready to move on to a new topic. They are unable to move on because the rest of the class is still learning the topic. As a result the intelligent child very quickly gets bored with lessons.

• There is a lack of change in the environment. If you've been in the same environment for too long you'll soon get bored with your surrounding.
Some people who are bored to death turn to drinking and smoking to combat their boredom. They get addicted to drinking, smoking and other drugs which are detrimental to their health.

Some of the ways to cure boredom are:

• If you find the work routine too repetitive and boring, speak to your manager and ask if the work of the department can be rotated. For example, if you work in the accounts department, one person may be dealing with the accounts receivable, another person may be dealing with accounts payable, yet another may be dealing with asset ledgers. If you're dealing with only one area of the departmental work, then it will get rather boring after a while. You may feel that you can do the tasks blindfolded. It is not challenging enough to keep you stimulated. A job rotation every 3 - 4 months will help to stimulate you and your colleagues because you look forward to doing something different when you rotate to another task within the department. The departmental workload is still done and it's good for the department as you'll be able to cover for each other during holiday period or when you or your colleague is on sick leave.

• Once you recognize the signs of depression and if you are bored as a result of it, you should ask for help and support. Speak to your family and friends and let them know what you're going through. Tell them you need their support and understanding. Don't shut them out as your depression might get worse in isolation. The signs of depression include feelings of helplessness, feeling bored with daily activities, feeling tired and physically drained, change in the sleep pattern or appetite and having problems with their concentration.

• If you have too much time on your hands, you can sign up as a volunteer worker. There are many charitable organisations looking for the services of volunteers. You'll feel great within yourself knowing your contribution has helped to make the lives of other people better.

• If you feel bored because you're not in the right learning group, make a request to get transferred to a more advance learning group. You may have been accidentally put to a beginner's class instead of an intermediate or advanced class. You may be happy and feel that the pace of this class is well within your comfort zone but the price you've to pay for this comfort is boredom.

• If you're bore with your environment, make changes to it. If you're bored with the colour of your room, change it to a different colour to please your senses. If you're bored with your surrounding, take a short break from your surrounding. Go away for a few days and visit your relative or friend in another location.
Boredom is a state of mind and should be tackled as soon as possible. The mind needs to be challenged and stimulated before you're bored to death. A change in your lifestyle can also open up new interests to keep you from being bored.

Chow Siew is a retired accountant. He is the webmaster of This site brings news, pension information and activities for the online retirement community. This is also where seniors socialize and interact with each other. He also maintains a travel portal

Tired of Feeling Bored by Your Wall Colors? 6 Steps to Find Inspiration and Rejuvenate Your Walls

Are you tired of feeling bored by your wall colors? Did you have the perfect color, but now your room feels dated? Or, maybe you just need a change, but you keep thinking to yourself that you don't know how you'd pick the right color scheme. If so, it's time to think about how you'll find your inspiration. By following just a few simple steps, you can rejuvenate your sense of style and choose the perfect wall color.

Six (6) Steps to Find Your Inspiration and Choose the Perfect Wall Color:

1) Start small - You don't have to repaint the entire house in one day, or even one week's time. Starting small will keep you from getting overwhelmed. Start by choosing one room that you would like to change first.

2) One of the best ways to inspire new decorating ideas is to look at pictures. Buy a few magazines. You don't have to feel restricted to home and garden magazines; think about architectural magazines and books, too. Consider anything that has a variety of pictures.

3) Use your gut reaction when you flip through pages, and mark the pages that have color schemes that appeal to you. When you finish, go back through the pages you marked and decide which color schemes still appeal to you. Sure, you'll change your mind a few times, but that's the beauty of brainstorming. Inevitably, you'll narrow your selection in the process.

4) Once you've found a suitable selection of colors that interest you, take your pictures to the local paint store and choose a sampling of color swatches. You'll notice, you're not actually buying anything at this point. It might be exciting to think you're ready, but hold off on those emotions. You don't want to paint the walls just yet. Color schemes can really be surprising. When you see colors in different textures and light, the effect can change. So, collect all the sample swatches you want, and then take them back to the room you're planning to paint.

5) After you return to your room, compare the color swatches and narrow your selection further. Make sure you look at all of the colors in both daylight and artificial light. Remember, lighting and texture can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of color.

6) Once you've seen the colors in the room, you still may be torn between two or three options. Or, you may just feel like you'd like to try a couple of colors on the wall before you make your final decision and paint the entire room. If so, purchase small quarts of paint. Paint a section of one wall, using each of your colors. Seeing the actual colors side by side, combined with your lighting and wall textures, will help you to finalize your decision.

Now that you've used your newfound inspiration to find the perfect wall color, you're ready to prime, paint, and leave your boring walls behind.

About the Author:

Amy L. Milligan founded bluedango based upon the principle that our surroundings greatly impact us and reflect to others who we are. With an educational background in the behavioral sciences and environmental design, she combined her academic experience with 11 years of experience in consulting and executive management to create as an extension of that principle. The company offers home decor accessories designed by international artisans and produced according to fair trade standards.

See Amy's top picks for choosing the right color scheme. Bluedango's bookstore has more interior decorating ideas.


ADD - Got The Day-to-Day Boredom Blues?

ADD people are bored very easily, as you well know if you have ADD. People call us lazy, but it's not that. We'll put tremendous effort into things that matter to us, and that we enjoy. But how exciting is washing dishes or cleaning up a mess of stuff? Not very and it just doesn't happen. We learn to live with our messes.

Am I right? The dishes could be overflowing the sink, and the dust in the house might be forming little clumps that are starting to resemble small animals. They're scaring your cat. Oh, and then, there's the floor, littered with all matter of elements--rock, paper, hedge clippers, whatever. It's just a mess! And you look at that stuff, and say to yourself, "I'll get to that later," and you never do. Your ADD never allows it.

Nobody has to live that way, of course. And you can't allow it to go on indefinitely or the health department will come by and tack a "condemned" sign on your door. The stuff has to be done, no matter how much your ADD brain doesn't want to do it. But there's a way to do it painlessly. And it's so simple that you'll laugh when you read it, but it works. Really.

Here's what you can do...

Maybe you're going to pick up that stuff on the floor and actually put the hedge clippers in the garage. You really didn't need them to open that wireless mouse package, but they make it so hard! Well, OK... Get out your iPod or your CD player or turn on the Sirius, whatever, and then, crank it up. Really hear it. Then, get your nose involved. Light some incense or a scented candle that you like. And now, your sense of taste. Try some sugarless gum or hard candy while you're cleaning up. Your eyes and hands are already involved, so that will have all your senses involved and your ADD brain is less likely to balk.

You can get some added benefit by wearing something you like. What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working? Whatever that is, if it's playing football, put on the gear while you're straightening up around the house. You'll be amazed at how well this stuff works.

And you're set. You'll be dancing around, smelling good smells instead of last week's laundry, wearing something that makes you feel good, and just generally getting things done. ADD brains do get bored pretty easily, so it's important to keep it occupied. If you get really good at this, you might start to enjoy the chores you hate to do. You never know... ADD brains just need to be involved all the time. Give every sense something to do and your place will be clean and orderly. Or, if this doesn't work... hire someone to do these things for you, if you can afford it. One way or another, the stuff has to be done. Make it as easy for yourself as possible.

Tellman Knudson is a certified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Subscribe to his Free weekly ADD Success Tips newsletter and take the ADD test when you visit Instant ADD Success at


Top Speaker Says You Aren't Bored: You're Just Not Challenged!

There is that famous quip that says knowing you’ll be hanged in the morning has a way of clarifying your mind.
Suddenly, you’re challenged to make the best use of the time you have left. You might reminisce, or appreciate the quality of light in your cell, or whatever it is that doomed people celebrate.
Or, you may find new meaning in the term, “gallows humor,” making yourself giddy with irony in your final hours.

But you probably won’t be BORED if only because you have to squeeze years of life into minutes, and that would challenge the most imaginative of us.
Let’s back away from doomsday for a moment to consider something all of us suffer from to some extent: boredom. I maintain that we can only be bored when we’re not being challenged or we’re not challenging ourselves.

I’ve written before about Jim, my former boss at the car leasing company. He asked me how I would increase sales across the entire staff, and I believe I said something completely logical and wrong, like “Give them higher commissions!”

He believed the best way to bring out the abilities of a salesperson is to put him “into debt.” When you raise someone’s minimum payments each month, you challenge them to step up to meet or to exceed those demands.

And most salespeople, Jim said, will do just that: They’ll sell more.
You can try this for yourself, or take on a financially safer task. But whatever you do, the next time you feel bored, pile on the responsibilities, and that state of mind will be the least of your concerns!

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is the best-selling author of 12 books, over 750 articles, and the creator of numerous audio and video training programs, including "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant-a favorite among salespeople and entrepreneurs. For information about booking Gary to speak at your next sales, customer service or management meeting, conference or convention, please address your inquiry to:


If Your Child is Doing Any of These Things, Then He/She is Definitely Bored!

Signs of a Bored Partner - How Can I Spice Up My Relationship?

Relationships go through many phases and some of these phases are a more pleasant experience than others. My experience has been that the initial phases of a relationship are the most exciting and interesting. I believe this is simply because everything is so new to the both of you. You are learning about each other and discovering something new each day. The familiarity hasn't set in yet and seeing each other is still exciting.

But what happens as the relationship develops and time passes? What was once new and exciting becomes older and more familiar. Your partner is no longer spontaneous. You may begin to notice that your partner is acting differently towards you. This may be subtle at first but then gradually becomes more apparent. The relationship doesn't seem as exciting as it was during the initial phases. What signs can you look for when the excitement is fading?

There are three things to look for that may be an indication that your partner is losing his or her enthusiasm with the relationship:

1. Doesn't respond to your wishes or requests. This may be subtle at first but as it happens more frequently it becomes more and more obvious. In the initial phases of the relationship your partner was likely to be very willing to accommodate you in many different ways. Now you begin to notice that they are not as quick to oblige you or it takes greater effort on your part to get them to respond to you.

2. Avoids committing to plans or postpones plans. Your partner becomes very noncommittal to ideas that you have or plans that you are making for the two of you. This could be something superficial like attending a dinner party to something more substantial like progressing the relationship to the next level. Your partner either won't give a firm answer to your question or finds excuses to delay whatever plan you have in mind.

3. Forgets dates of special occasions. Remember in the beginning of the relationship when your partner remembered every little date from the moment of your first kiss to what you had for dinner on your first date? As the excitement fades in a relationship you may notice that these memories are not as readily available to your partner as they once used to be. Your partner may even become annoyed when you are reminiscing about special occasions or dates.

These are just three areas to watch for when you suspect that the excitement is fading from your relationship. It seems to happen suddenly but usually it occurs as a gradual progression over time. It appears sudden because many of us don't recognize the signs until they are blatant and right in our face, or we have chosen not to recognize them in hopes that things will improve on their own. If you can identify the signs that the excitement is fading then you can likely do something about it.

Here you have learned of three things to watch for when the excitement is fading from your relationship and your partner is acting differently. There are several more to watch for. Click Here Now to discover ways to identify a lagging relationship and the steps to take to make the relationship more exciting!

By Peter Harris

Spiritual Eating Secrets - 3 Alternatives to Emotional Eating When Stressed, Bored, and Tired Out

The biggest shift you can experience is to realize that your emotions are just trapped energy inside of you. When this energy sits around and festers, it tries to do anything possible to get out. Unfortunately, you can deceive yourself into thinking that eating will be one of those ways.

Instead of turning to food, here are 3 other activities that can help you shake up that energy and avoid eating that you'll feel bad about.

Take A Long Relaxing Bath

Calming warm water can do a lot to ease a troubled spirit. Immersing yourself in the water while using some aromatherapy treatments can do a lot to help you find peace of mind. Make it one of your absolute stress free activities that you turn to. I also suggest listening to a relaxing audio book such as the Tao Te Ching or other spiritual work to help you make the experience even better.

Dance It Out

There have been times where I've been on the brink of complete sadness and needed to do anything to stop it. What do I do? I turn on the iPod, blast some of my favorite songs, and shake up all the pent up energy that I have inside. Dance until you feel the emotion flowing out of your body. Move and get inspired. If you cry, don't worry -it's just a sign it's working.

Drink A Cup of Tea

Whatever your emotion is, just sit with it for a while. To make sure you're not alone, have a cup of tea as you do this. Imagine the warmth of the tea melting your emotions away. Close your eyes each time you take a sip. Stop and do whatever it takes to get the emotion to flow out of you. Choose an herbal tea without sugar or caffeine as you want to silence your thoughts, not create more of them.

I'm pulling out all the stops and letting loose my FREE report "The Ten Mistakes That Sabotage All Your Efforts To Heal Your Relationship With Food" out in the world.

Just imagine what it would be like to be free from all the junk, misinformation, and lies that have surrounded your relationship with food in the past.
From Jeffrey Harold - The Eating In The Now Teacher


Overcoming Boredom in Six Ways

Do you find yourself easily becoming bored or tired at work for no apparent reason? If that's the case, then pay close attention. Research has shown that fatigue and a worn-out feeling are often caused by unproductive mental attitudes. If this describes you, read on to learn six ways you can overcome boredom.

* 1. Actively listen to everyone you meet: When you're interested in people, life is never flat or dull. And when you listen actively, you are so involved in what the other person has to say that you soon lose sight of your own predicament.
* 2. Become enthusiastic about life, people, and things: You will soon find that you will feel enthusiastic, too.
* 3. Make sure your work challenges all your resources: Start a hobby that does the same thing, too.
* 4. Become productive: Authorities agree that 100% rest is rarely the solution to fatigue or boredom. When you are active and productive, you have little chance to be bored.
* 5. Keep your mind productive, too: Reading is an excellent antidote to tension and boredom. Besides, reading will build your fund of knowledge while siphoning off the tension, boredom, and fatigue.
* 6. Join the do-it-yourself movement: You won't be bored while you are creating, repairing, or carrying out a project. Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.

About the author: Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, and writes articles on his theme: "... helping you maximize your potential." Reach him at www.max, at, or at 502-386-1175.

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