Showing posts with label lazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lazy. Show all posts



Sometimes Money Can't Be Saved Because We are Lazy

Many businesses become successful on people's laziness. Think of how much money can be saved in one's household if he or she didn't act lazy when it came to: performing household duties, saving money, maintaining a relationship, and more. Those who capitalize off of other people's laziness would be put out of business! Yet, the person who "doesn't want to do this -- or do that -- " will continue to pay high prices on cheap goods and services.

Some people will reason that they are saving time when they buy a certain item, but are they really? What might they be saving time for anyway? Maybe they are allowing more time for errands to buy yet another gadget, watch TV, sleep, play video games, or eat? Exactly how much time are they hoping to gain? One of the worse things to do is have more free time in your schedule only to have it filled up with trying to fix or clean something that is supposed to help you save time in the first place! Think of all of the computer software, gadgets and appliances that were upgraded only to find that they solve one problem, but come with numerous glitches.


How many times have we bought into a sightseeing promotion while vacationing somewhere? We desired to see a community that we may know enough about and possibly could have driven around ourselves to explore, but what do we do? We pay to be driven around sometimes as much as $30-60 plus per family member. By the time the bus has made many stops, we missed what the tour guide said because of conversation and misbehaving children, we are ready to go back to the hotel to sleep the other half of the day away. Now we have less cash then we started with, a bunch pf photos that we can only hope aren't blurred because of all the stopping and starting during the tour, and family members who hope to get on yet another costly tour.


Whether we eat it at the restaurant or pick it up already pre-packaged, we spend lots of money on just eating! We spend so much money that some of us don't even cook for ourselves anymore and won't bother to make extra time to pack a lunch. Even worse, some of us will pay a lot more for fruit dishes just so we don't have to cut them. Meanwhile, big businesses are scraping in money by the truckloads on our laziness.


Car buyers or leasers always have a reason as to why they need the extra features that are rarely used on an automobile. It doesn't matter that it's just a thousand dollars more for automatic whatever.

Homes, Apartments

How often do home buyers and apartment renters sign on a home with amenities that they rarely if ever use? There's the pool in the backyard, but no one swims. You tell yourself, "One day I will learn to swim." There is the deck that no one sits on except for a once or twice a year event. Oh, let us not forget the balcony or on-site fitness and party rooms that you may have visited once in what two or three years?

Cable TV

Now how many channels do you actually watch on a regular basis? So why is there 99 plus that you are paying for that you never watch? You assume you are saving money by not going to the library or video store to rent movies of your choosing!? Also, throw in those monthly fees for the extra equipment that the cable company offers you to record your favorite shows, use the Internet, the phone, etc. because well it's too much to research the equipment and then just buy it. Enjoy that so-called money-saving bundle package; the cable companies of the world love you for it! That is if you have time to watch TV since you are at work on most days anyway.


Some people love their lighting d©cor. They have lights for just about every corner of their room, downstairs, upstairs, in closets and under cabinets as well as outside their homes--all set to different timers. It can be a bit much for a healthy able-bodied person to turn on or off a light as needed, so go ahead let them burn even if one doesn't need them. The electricity companies say, "Thank you for your business."


"What was wrong with the last one we had?" an angry spouse says to his wife. "But the store has better ones and they do this -- and that -- " Nothing wrong with upgrading an appliance to something better, but what if you just want it. The sales person convinced you of how good the appliance is and now you just got to have it. There isn't really anything wrong with your current appliance maybe you have to change the lint filter on the dryer a little more often or the old washer doesn't have an alarm to alert you when the clothes are done, but you are okay with them. If the washer could put your clothes in the dryer for you and then fold them, you might be willing to spend a tax refund check or two for it even with all its glitches, huh?

Think of the many people who paid more for a refrigerator with a water dispenser on it and now it doesn't work or they don't use it because they can't connect it to their kitchen sink. What was wrong with just opening the refrigerator and pouring yourself a glass of water?

Cell Phones

Can't get enough of those phones from the early days of the simple flip phone to smart phones, people just don't want to have to do much of anything. Don't want to dial a number, just say it. Don't want to take a note pad out and write a simple note, just text it. However, with all the "I don't want to have to do -- " complaints, you will pay.

Internet Software

It's a goldmine out there on the Internet. Anything you can't or won't do on the Internet can be done by others. Of course, with a price whether it is a small fee, annual fee, monthly fee or some other fee someone sells you on what you don't want to do and you pay for it; rather than, learn how to do it yourself.


We pay others to teach us things that we could have read out of books ourselves. This is by far the worse of them all! So many people are too lazy to read a book. But you say, "I won't be recognized for my skills without that certificate -- " Interesting, depending on the subject matter, many people have figured out ways around paying four years to institutions for a certificate.


Most people don't exercise, prefer not to eat healthy and won't do much of anything that health professionals tell them to do. Well due to being stubborn and lazy, everyone in the healthcare industry gets a bit of your money monthly in health insurance and then again when the invoice shows up in your mailbox telling you what your insurance doesn't cover.


You don't feel like organizing a birthday party or some other celebratory event? Well there is always someone who will do everything for you. Just think of all the couples who get married, people going away to college, and others who could have used all that money that was spent on some event.

Local drug and convenience stores

Too tired to walk a few more blocks to the nearby grocery store, drive a car or get on a bus, well never fear your local drug and convenience stores will charge you double for your trouble. Pay for the overpriced soda, the air-filled snack bag, even the toilet paper, it doesn't matter what you buy unless you have coupons, the item is on sale, and you have received extra dollars (you know those coupons that come out of the register) from the store, you got ripped off!


You have your favorite gas station that you like to go because it is close to home, but it seems like every other day the price changes at the pump. Do you change gas stations? Nope. You keep buying their expensive gas plus you give them a donation for convenience.


You are practically robbed blind anytime you step outside of the house with your family! Whether it is to the movies, to a family friendly restaurant or gaming place, or some other entertainment facility, the children will not only want to play the games or ride the rides, but they will get thirsty, hungry, and want a souvenir to take back home. Rather than look for inexpensive places for all of these things, you buy them all at the facility. The companies were hoping you would do that. Sometimes they require you do it.


How many times have you heard someone on TV say, "We need counseling -- " it doesn't matter what the issue, someone suggests counseling. Could you save yourself some money if you researched a little more on the Internet for something free related to your issue? Maybe there are free clinics, free programs, free trainings, free help, free counseling in your local area. So many people pay for things that they can get free, but because they don't want to put the time in to research, they end up paying a lot of money for counseling services.


Everything mentioned in this article can be used as great ideas to spearhead a protest, but because people are too lazy to stand together on much of anything, big business gets over while we still pay dearly for everything.

Don't allow businesses to make money off of what you don't "feel" like doing, because seriously folks it is costing all of us in the short and long terms. However, if you are financially wealthy and can afford to waste money, then good for you! As for the rest of us, review your budget and see what your household can live without in order to save money.

Could your body use a workout?

Why not try a new recipe using a new gadget?

If you must watch the game, why not go to it!

Buy a playstation or some other gaming system!

Have some fun, click around!

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