Showing posts with label boring relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boring relationship. Show all posts


6 Important Tips on How to Overcome Being Bored in a Committed Relationship

Life can sometimes seem monotonous and boring, but it doesn't have to be that way! Relationships can become routine, dull, and boring over time because either one or neither party is connecting with one another.  Sometimes couples grow weary of one another or life itself, it happens, but when you recognize this is occurring in your relationship and you still want to be together, you both will want to find ways to rekindle the romance sooner rather than later. Keep reading, you will be inspired to keep love alive!
1) Plan fun activities together - even if they seem silly 

Plan date nights and make a concerted effort to do something fun at least once a week. While date night could mean dressing up and heading out to dinner, having dinner together at home is also an option. After dinner, why not break out into some silly dance moves or watch a silly movie together? If the weather permits, go for a romantic walk together in the park or have a picnic in nature – it doesn’t get much better than that! And if you’re feeling creative and adventurous, come up with activities like puzzles or charades to surprise your date with. 

Keeping things lighthearted by incorporating moments of silliness into date nights might just end up being one of the best investments of time you ever make! ;-) It will bond you both in special ways for sure! So don’t underestimate how important these fun activities are - life's too short not to find joy in every moment together! You won't regret it! Go plan those date nights now! Have fun! ;) :) 

2) Be affectionate with each other, even when you're not in the mood 

We all have off days. Maybe we're feeling overwhelmed at work, or we're just in a bad mood. Despite our best efforts, sometimes we don't have the energy to be affectionate towards our partners. But even on those days when cuddling isn't an option, there are still little ways to show your love and appreciation for each other. A kiss when you're leaving for work, a gentle rub on the back while cued up in line at the grocery store; these small expressions of warmth can keep your relationship strong even during tough times. Plus, if you make sure to smile from time to time, even if it's forced, you'll both come away feeling more connected--no matter what kind of day you've had. 

Being affectionate with your partner, even when you feel like it least, is one of the best ways to strengthen your bond and bring you closer together. Cuddle when you can, but don't forget that small gestures are important too! Everyone needs a few gentle reminders now and then that they are loved and appreciated what better way during a holiday season. 

Showing affection communicates something far deeper than mere words could ever say. No matter what kind of mood either (or both) of you is in, make time for simple intimate moments that restore connection and spark joy. It won’t take long before both of you will come out feeling closer than ever. Take this valuable opportunity to reconnect with each other and enjoy those moments together! Even if it’s only for a few minutes each day, it can make all the difference in maintaining a strong and healthy relationship with your partner. Cuddle up or kiss one another, whatever it takes, to show your love! 

Grand gestures may be nice but simple things like these will do just fine! Showing affection doesn’t have to be complicated; ultimately it is about being present at that moment with your partner even if neither one of you feels much like doing so at first! Love comes in all forms, so take advantage of every second spent together to express as much cautious tenderness as possible! 

Prompt hugging, cuddles, etc. will always mean something, especially on hard days when everyone struggles with their problems--big or small! No doubt cuddling up close gives most people some sort of comfort, but taking time out (even when not snuggled up together) can be just as important too, so why not get creative? Letting go of all initial thoughts and making sure that daily checking-in turns into something special can eventually turn mundane day-to-day life into exactly what any couple ever wants/needs which is a securely settled loving companionship-- it's irreplaceable! That's why being affectionate towards each other, no matter how we're feeling, matters so very much--it's an investment we make into sustaining our partnerships. 

3) Talk openly and honestly about your feelings 

Being able to openly and honestly discuss your feelings is an important part of healthy relationships. It's too easy for us to brush off how we feel and keep our true thoughts and opinions to ourselves. That's why it's essential to take the time to really think about what you feel and share it - even if it's uncomfortable or difficult. If you feel bored in your relationship, talk about it. If you're not sure why someone has done something that upset you, ask them directly. You may be pleasantly surprised at their response, but if the conversation doesn't go well don't be afraid to draw a line or walk away. 

Ignoring relationship challenges can lead them to snowball and eventually lead to divorce, so giving yourself permission to openly share your feelings can prevent bigger problems down the road. While being honest may not always be comfortable or easy, taking the time to do so can help create fun, strong relationships that will last for years. So make sure that when someone asks "how do you feel?" you answer honestly without hesitation. Your relationships and mental health will thank you for it! 

4) Make time for each other, even when life gets busy 

Life can get pretty hectic, and it's so easy to get caught up in work and responsibilities that before you know it, days have gone by with little time spent nurturing important relationships. Busy workaholics may neglect their partner, forgetting to call or make plans for quality time together. Even well-meaning spouses who prioritize family obligations can find themselves being so occupied with work, relatives, and errands over the weekend that by the time Monday rolls in they're left wondering where all the hours went! To help avoid this “busyness trap”, couples should make a conscious effort every day to set aside even five minutes to chat, whether it's catching up on each other's workday or reminiscing about the future. 

Scheduling regular dates can also help inject some fun and romance into life that may otherwise get lost in the chaos of work and family commitments. No matter how busy life gets, taking a few minutes out of your day for your significant other is essential if you want to keep your relationship healthy and thriving. Making time for each other may require taking a step back occasionally from work or family obligations - but going on a date night will almost always pay off in spades with improved communication and more meaningful conversations shared between two people who care deeply for one another...maybe even leading to the start of something special! So let go of busy work for once and reserve some quality moments together instead - after all, your relationship shouldn't take a backseat when life gets too crazy! 

5) Appreciate the small things your spouse does for you 

We all know that relationships take work, yet sometimes we may forget to appreciate the little things our partners do for us. Whether it be helping around the house or buying small "thinking of you" gifts, taking the time to recognize these acts helps to show your spouse that you are paying attention and acknowledges that the effort they put into the relationship is both visible and appreciated by you. People tend to underestimate the power of simple gestures like bringing a cup of coffee in bed, picking up dinner on their way home, or taking on extra responsibilities when it comes to children or pet care. Taking the time to express gratitude for those moments builds stronger relationships, helps alleviate feelings of stress, and brings joy shared by both parties as they appreciate each other's efforts - no matter how small they may seem. Recognizing those moments helps make any relationship stronger over time and encourages more affectionate exchanges between spouses. So next time you want to show your partner some love but aren't quite sure how – just remember to appreciate all those little things they do for you every day! It will surely be appreciated more than anything else. 

6) Don't take your relationship for granted 

Relationships require work, but often we get complacent and take them for granted. We stop doing the little things we used to do to make a partner feel special, like stopping to buy them flowers or cooking a romantic dinner. Asking a partner how was their day becomes an afterthought. Before you know it, selfishness takes over as each partner focuses on his or her own life and interests instead of investing in the relationship. This can cause resentment and wear down mutual love and respect. Therefore, if you're in a relationship it's important to remind yourself that your partner isn't always going to be around; don't take them for granted by assuming they'll always stay in your life forever. 

You must put effort into keeping the relationship alive and building a stronger bond, even when things are going well. Show your appreciation through small acts of kindness, go out of your way to show your affection, be mindful of your word choice, practice good communication skills and celebrate any progress that you make together. All these things help make sure your relationship thrives instead of breaking down over time. By valuing each other constantly and cherishing the times spent together—you will never find yourself taking each other's presence for granted again! 

All relationships go through ups and downs, but it’s important to remember the things that have helped you get through tough times in the past. By talking openly and honestly about your feelings, spending time together, and being mindful of each other’s needs, you can help keep boredom at bay. What are some things you do to make sure your relationship stays interesting? Share with us in the comments below! 

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Boredom Can Be a Distraction in a Relationship/Friendship

We have all been in situations where we felt bored, out of place, and other disturbing emotions simply because we missed the excitement that we once experienced being in a certain environment.  However, some of the most challenging emotions are those that we experience when partnered with someone who we refuse to admit is no longer good for our well-being.  They seem to be a source of our boredom, discomfort, and drain us of spiritual energy. 

Maybe there was a time when a partner, relative or friend was the best person for you, but not anymore--what happened?  What is making this person so dull?  Something about him or her is spiritually, physically, and/or emotionally dead.  When you have someone like this around, but you aren't quite ready to cut him or her off, this is what you do: 

1.  Bring your feelings out into the open with the person who is boring you until you feel like you have been heard.

2.  Address each issue in a way that is polite, caring and sincere.

3.  Take some time for yourself, because you know he or she is not going to like you very much for bringing up subject matter that makes him or her uncomfortable.

4.  Watch for changes.  A person who really wants to be in your life will try to make a difference.  Give this person some time to process all you have told him or her.

5.  Check yourself to be sure you are not acting in ways that make those around you feel like you are useless/boring/unloving, etc. too.  Share some love, excitement, etc.

Here's hoping for a positive start in the right direction whether the troubled individual in your camp sticks around or not.

Check out topics related to emotional and physical abuse at Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate, see here.

Nicholl McGuire is the author of Laboring to Love Myself and Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate.


Bored Today, Busy Tomorrow!

Some of you reading this may be bored today, but tomorrow just might get a little bit more interesting. Sometimes the day after a quiet day can get the best of us because we are ill-prepared for what is ahead. What you may consider doing while you are bored is planning for the future. Take the time to do whatever you have been putting off and try to get some things accomplished in your boredom.

Sometimes boredom can be misconstrued as laziness. We just don't want to do anything, so we tell others we are bored. A person who is a workaholic doesn't ever want to hear "bored." They are always coming up with something to do even when they should be taking a break.

Find what is interesting in all things. The boring speaker may have a nice looking wardrobe and he may offer some noteworthy tips between his "ums and ahs." The boring partner may be helpful to you when you aren't doing so well in accomplishing your dreams. The boring routines may be just what you need right now due to illness. See the unique, interesting and thought-provoking in all things.

Try taking the time out to research things that may be beneficial to you if you are in business, conduct a search for other jobs in your field, find someone who can direct you in a goal that you have been trying to pursue unsuccessfully. Whatever you do, avoid being bored. There will sometimes be those days when you are not interested in doing anything use that time to meditate or sleep.

Enjoy your boring day!

Nicholl McGuire


If You Feel Bored in a Relationship, then You Should Stay and Think "Why?"

After years of staying together and having done all possible things together in the relationship, you now feel a glitch is happening between you and your partner.

Well, reasons might be aplenty but what is vital here is you know that there is a problem and you are willing to fix it.

Fixing a problem would entail open mind to accept realities. Yes, if your partner has this habit of ignoring you because they busy themselves working, etc. you had better seen its coming. Yes, a hint might have been given you before but you failed to see it for whatever reason.

Now you are caught unprepared and in trouble figuring out sources of the matter. No need to wallow in pain or what, what is vital now is that you are aware of the situation and able to get the solution to the problem. Yes, making yourself the one to sort things out and get the needed fix; well, what a better way than to observe honesty and all for self-assessment.

Upon knowing the source of irritations or what between you and your partner, it is a must to iron out kinks. It is a two- way traffic where each one has to give way and then the other will have to do the same. Nothing can be done sans giving others a chance to contribute, and worse, just accepting all the blames. Nobody wants to be the one to blame in this case, each one has to open his mind and see clearly what went wrong with himself or the relationship.

Blaming could only result to making solutions difficult to come by and worse could send you both fleeing from the relationship sans the closure.

Yes, both deserves respect and have to observe maturity before other problems set in thus making the situation harder to handle.

Tact is vital to observe here and let other one be given a chance to think for himself and not just thinking about you, for a relationship to be healthy each one must be growing as an individual, free to become himself and not just a manipulated toy to function in a relationship.

Whatever the outcome of your dialogue or what, you must feel satisfied for you have done the right thing by observing honesty, sympathy, tact, etc. that would surely help fix the problem, and you two would go on to the next level or move on.

After years of staying together and having done all possible things together in the relationship, you now feel a glitch is happening between you and your partner.

Well, reasons might be aplenty but what is vital here is you know that there is a problem and you are willing to fix it.

Fixing a problem would entail open mind to accept realities. Yes, if your partner has this habit of ignoring you because they busy themselves working, etc. you had better seen its coming. Yes, a hint might have been given you before but you failed to see it for whatever reason.

Now you are caught unprepared and in trouble figuring out sources of the matter. No need to wallow in pain or what, what is vital now is that you are aware of the situation and able to get the solution to the problem. Yes, making yourself the one to sort things out and get the needed fix; well, what a better way than to observe honesty and all for self-assessment.

Upon knowing the source of irritations or what between you and your partner, it is a must to iron out kinks. It is a two- way traffic where each one has to give way and then the other will have to do the same. Nothing can be done sans giving others a chance to contribute, and worse, just accepting all the blames. Nobody wants to be the one to blame in this case, each one has to open his mind and see clearly what went wrong with himself or the relationship.

Blaming could only result to making solutions difficult to come by and worse could send you both fleeing from the relationship sans the closure.

Yes, both deserves respect and have to observe maturity before other problems set in thus making the situation harder to handle.

Tact is vital to observe here and let other one be given a chance to think for himself and not just thinking about you, for a relationship to be healthy each one must be growing as an individual, free to become himself and not just a manipulated toy to function in a relationship.

Whatever the outcome of your dialogue or what, you must feel satisfied for you have done the right thing by observing honesty, sympathy, tact, etc. that would surely help fix the problem, and you two would go on to the next level or move on.

The author is a mentor of teachers in elementary grades in the Philippines. Aside from being a grade school teacher, he is also contributing articles to magazines just to make good use of his spare time. He has joined writing contest in the past, but until now, he is dreaming of bagging an award! This is why, he is now trying his luck in this endeavor - blogging - to find his niche and somewhere, somehow find a way of publishing a book.

by Larry Icabandi Nabiong

The author is a mentor of teachers in elementary grades in the Philippines. Aside from being a grade school teacher, he is also contributing articles to magazines just to make good use of his spare time. He has joined writing contest in the past, but until now, he is dreaming of bagging an award! This is why, he is now trying his luck in this endeavor - blogging - to find his niche and somewhere, somehow find a way of publishing a book.


ADD - Got The Day-to-Day Boredom Blues?

ADD people are bored very easily, as you well know if you have ADD. People call us lazy, but it's not that. We'll put tremendous effort into things that matter to us, and that we enjoy. But how exciting is washing dishes or cleaning up a mess of stuff? Not very and it just doesn't happen. We learn to live with our messes.

Am I right? The dishes could be overflowing the sink, and the dust in the house might be forming little clumps that are starting to resemble small animals. They're scaring your cat. Oh, and then, there's the floor, littered with all matter of elements--rock, paper, hedge clippers, whatever. It's just a mess! And you look at that stuff, and say to yourself, "I'll get to that later," and you never do. Your ADD never allows it.

Nobody has to live that way, of course. And you can't allow it to go on indefinitely or the health department will come by and tack a "condemned" sign on your door. The stuff has to be done, no matter how much your ADD brain doesn't want to do it. But there's a way to do it painlessly. And it's so simple that you'll laugh when you read it, but it works. Really.

Here's what you can do...

Maybe you're going to pick up that stuff on the floor and actually put the hedge clippers in the garage. You really didn't need them to open that wireless mouse package, but they make it so hard! Well, OK... Get out your iPod or your CD player or turn on the Sirius, whatever, and then, crank it up. Really hear it. Then, get your nose involved. Light some incense or a scented candle that you like. And now, your sense of taste. Try some sugarless gum or hard candy while you're cleaning up. Your eyes and hands are already involved, so that will have all your senses involved and your ADD brain is less likely to balk.

You can get some added benefit by wearing something you like. What do you enjoy doing when you aren't working? Whatever that is, if it's playing football, put on the gear while you're straightening up around the house. You'll be amazed at how well this stuff works.

And you're set. You'll be dancing around, smelling good smells instead of last week's laundry, wearing something that makes you feel good, and just generally getting things done. ADD brains do get bored pretty easily, so it's important to keep it occupied. If you get really good at this, you might start to enjoy the chores you hate to do. You never know... ADD brains just need to be involved all the time. Give every sense something to do and your place will be clean and orderly. Or, if this doesn't work... hire someone to do these things for you, if you can afford it. One way or another, the stuff has to be done. Make it as easy for yourself as possible.

Tellman Knudson is a certified hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Subscribe to his Free weekly ADD Success Tips newsletter and take the ADD test when you visit Instant ADD Success at


Signs of a Bored Partner - How Can I Spice Up My Relationship?

Relationships go through many phases and some of these phases are a more pleasant experience than others. My experience has been that the initial phases of a relationship are the most exciting and interesting. I believe this is simply because everything is so new to the both of you. You are learning about each other and discovering something new each day. The familiarity hasn't set in yet and seeing each other is still exciting.

But what happens as the relationship develops and time passes? What was once new and exciting becomes older and more familiar. Your partner is no longer spontaneous. You may begin to notice that your partner is acting differently towards you. This may be subtle at first but then gradually becomes more apparent. The relationship doesn't seem as exciting as it was during the initial phases. What signs can you look for when the excitement is fading?

There are three things to look for that may be an indication that your partner is losing his or her enthusiasm with the relationship:

1. Doesn't respond to your wishes or requests. This may be subtle at first but as it happens more frequently it becomes more and more obvious. In the initial phases of the relationship your partner was likely to be very willing to accommodate you in many different ways. Now you begin to notice that they are not as quick to oblige you or it takes greater effort on your part to get them to respond to you.

2. Avoids committing to plans or postpones plans. Your partner becomes very noncommittal to ideas that you have or plans that you are making for the two of you. This could be something superficial like attending a dinner party to something more substantial like progressing the relationship to the next level. Your partner either won't give a firm answer to your question or finds excuses to delay whatever plan you have in mind.

3. Forgets dates of special occasions. Remember in the beginning of the relationship when your partner remembered every little date from the moment of your first kiss to what you had for dinner on your first date? As the excitement fades in a relationship you may notice that these memories are not as readily available to your partner as they once used to be. Your partner may even become annoyed when you are reminiscing about special occasions or dates.

These are just three areas to watch for when you suspect that the excitement is fading from your relationship. It seems to happen suddenly but usually it occurs as a gradual progression over time. It appears sudden because many of us don't recognize the signs until they are blatant and right in our face, or we have chosen not to recognize them in hopes that things will improve on their own. If you can identify the signs that the excitement is fading then you can likely do something about it.

Here you have learned of three things to watch for when the excitement is fading from your relationship and your partner is acting differently. There are several more to watch for. Click Here Now to discover ways to identify a lagging relationship and the steps to take to make the relationship more exciting!

By Peter Harris


Intimate Relationship - Do You Feel Bored?

It is very true that you may feel bored after marrying for a long time. This is also true for your intimate relationship. You will probably feel that your sex life become boring after marrying for a long time. So you may wonder at this point how you can make your sex life exciting and perfect even if you have married for a long time.

In fact, the first thing which is very important to make your sex life less boring is communication. As you may know, communication is always very important in a relationship. You should try to communicate with your partner to see what he / she wants. It is also very crucial for you to tell your partner what you want. You should try to explore together to see if there are some ways to make your sex life exciting.

Besides, you have to understand that your relationship is not only in the bedroom. It is more that sex. There are also a lot of different ways to make your partner satisfy. This will in turn help to make your sex relationship more perfect and exciting. For example, if you are a man, you can help your spouse to clean the dishes after meals. In fact, the best scenario is that you two can wash the dishes together. This is also a good way to communicate with each other. You may think this has nothing to do with your intimate relationship. However, as all experts will tell, women are more emotional. As a result, helping her to wash dishes will help to satisfy emotionally and this will in turn enhance your sex experience.

On the other hand, if you are a woman, you may consider giving your man a sensual massage. This will certainly help to spice your life in the bedroom.

Role playing is also a great way to enhance your sex experience. You feel that your sex life is boring because it is always the same. Role playing can make your sex life different. It will bring a totally new experience in your sex life. You can have a role playing on doctor and nurse. There are also people who love the role playing on policewoman and robber. In fact, a lot of people agree that role paying is a very good way to make the intimate relationship more exciting. You should try it if you have never tried it before.

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