Showing posts with label bored at work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bored at work. Show all posts


Being Bored Is Arresting Your Creativity and Costing You Money at Work, Home

Caring relatives and friends will say, "You need to get out more!  Do something different!  Take breaks.  Stop procrastinating!"  Being bored has been an issue for many individuals without them realizing it.  Repetitive routines, endless movie watching, dry conversations at work and home, and spending money on useless stuff contribute to a boring lifestyle.  

It can be difficult to spice things up in your personal and professional life when you don't know what you really want out of your lives.  Do you want more out of your connections?  Do you want to grow in the company?  Do you want to be a better parent?  Do you prefer a leadership role?  

Rather than do what you typically do when you are bored, try deep breathing rather than deep thinking.  Try getting up moving around rather than sitting down and looking at screening devices all times of the day.  Instead of going to a store and spending money you really shouldn't be spending, think of where you could put money to help you achieve goals.  If you don't know what they might be, it may be time for a career or personality assessment to help identify who you are now versus who your were like five years ago.

I realized boredom made me spend far too long on the Internet (and far too much money too).  I had to be more conscious of how I was spending my time and money.  What I learned about myself, I jotted down and what I wanted to do/fix, I use reminder notes and calendars; I needed to do the things that would make my life more interesting including learning new skills so that I could land better employment.  

Taking on boring activities, jobs, projects and so on causes us in time to do things that lead us nowhere instead of somewhere.  I recall wanting to do some things I had planned to do, but when I looked at my finances I had spent money on things that didn't help meet my goals.  When I redirected my finances and worked on those things I really wanted to complete, I found I was less bored and more ready to take on the world with my new ideas and execute my alternative plans.

Of course being bored has its share of positives.  Our feelings of boredom are like the notifications that we see on our phone, we need to read the signs and do something about them!  When you identify the areas in your life that you are most bored, you can address them with the people who might help.  It doesn't always mean to cut someone or something off, but you may need a break from the boring routines and the boring people who are aiding in your boredom and that's okay!

Nicholl McGuire is the blog owner and contributor.  She wrote the book, "What Else Can I Do on the Internet?"  Check out this idea generator and hopefully you will become less bored and more productive!


Websites For When You're Bored At Work - Music, Fun, Mood...

Bored at Work? Workplace Changes Needed? Let's Explore...

Avoid Boredom Today at Work - Here's How

You know when you feel those moments during the day when you just get seem to concentrate on too much of anything.  Then later, you find yourself bored with having to do some repetitive tasks.  You can actually cut off some of those "I'm bored" feelings before they catch up with you by doing the following things.

1.  Turn on background noise the minute you start feeling like you are getting weary of whatever you are or not doing.

2.  Take a short walk whether in or outdoors--a long walk might weary you.  The short break will keep you from falling asleep at your desk.  Then get back to whatever you need to do.

3.  Do a simple task such as: wiping something off like your computer screen or dust.  This way you don't become so bored with whatever you are doing that you don't want to complete it.  Then go back to what you were doing.

4.  Return a phone call, check email or chat with a co-worker.  Sometimes communicating with others will distract you from feelings of boredom.

These are just four ideas to get you started, check around this site for more.  Feelings of boredom can come on you quite suddenly and before long you are forgetting about what you were supposed to do.  You find yourself distracted looking at YouTube videos; instead of tending to important tasks.  If you haven't done this already, note some things you must get done today.  Then refer back to your list when you start feeling bored.  Chances are you just might remember to do something before you become very bored.

Have a great day!

Nicholl McGuire


11 Prep Items That Almost Never Go Bad

11 Prep Items That Almost Never Go Bad

What About that "To Do" List

So you find yourself bored with nothing to do, but you know you ought to find something to do if you are on paid time.  Why not, create a "to do" list for anything you ever felt like you needed to do or check the one you already wrote and hadn't got around to completing?

Ask yourself what keeps holding you back from accomplishing certain tasks.  If money is an issue, then find out how you can make extra cash.  Maybe you need to sell some things online, offer a service to your local area, or ask someone for money they borrowed from you.  Whatever your challenge, note a solution.

Don't allow yourself to not take advantage of valuable free time.  Find a way to get everything done that you always wanted to do and it always starts by creating a plan.

Nicholl McGuire is a writer and poet.  Feel free to check out some of her work on nmenterprise7 on YouTube.


Workplace Boredom

Boredom at the workplace can be quite destructive to the worker and there are ways of averting this problem.
The boredom might result in catastrophic consequences especially to a person who loves work, but to an idler it is never an issue. So it can result in low productivity, dwindling job satisfaction, and energy. That is why it is wise to deal with it squarely in the following ways.
For a start, you could use this extra time in between tasks to find out more about your organization by simply browsing the internet from the computers in the office.
You would benefit and make great strides in your career by learning more about the organization structures, policies, and aims and past achievements. This will also transform your view about the organization and help you to see your future with the company.
During the intervals when the work would not be so heavy, it is good also to get to know your colleagues by helping them to finish their tasks, get to know what they do and how they do it which might come in handy one day to further your career. As you pass time doing this and beating boredom; you will come out with more knowledge, energy and with a positive outlook.
Nevertheless, some workers normally tend to get bored just because there is no challenge in the tasks they are given to perform. This can be remedied by the worker making himself more useful in other areas by asking for more work to be assigned to him that poses greater challenge.
Cooperate with colleagues at work by being more of a team player rather than an individual when handling tasks. This helps to make the assignments more interesting because your colleagues will bring in fresh ideas and ways of handling the task.
Occasionally the boredom issue arises because the worker has been assigned tasks that are beyond his own scope, such that he is unable to work but passes time wondering where to start; so loses interest in it. This can be dealt with by the worker promises himself a reward with every progress he makes at the task. Rewards could take the form of getting an extra hour of sleep or buying oneself a gift after doing the work successfully.
These are the many ways that one can get rid of boredom at the work place, and it will go a long way in ensuring one enjoys work and furthering of career in the future.
By Robert Shorn
Writer and marketer


Bored & Broke?

You may have wanted the following, but your job keeps getting in the way:
  • I want more time on my hands.
  • I want more time to spend with my family.
  • I want time to be able to reach all of the goals in my life.
  • I want to work my own hours.
  • I want to be able to work from home.
  • I want to be able to work where I want, and when I want.
  • I want financial freedom!
  • I want to make more than enough money to provide for my family.
  • I want to be able to afford to travel.
  • I want such a large amount of income that I can provide my family with anything they want, any time they want it!
  • I want an income that I can be proud of!

Don't we all! That's why so many people when they get to a place of boredom in life with no money, they start building an online portfolio of cash. Use your time wisely!

Check out the following: Click Here!


10 Things To Do When Bored At Work

So you're sitting in the office, bored to death as usual. Don't worry, here's a list of things you can do to put that smile back on your face. Just be careful, don't let your boss catch you!

1. Draw a picture
All you need is a pen and a paper. You can draw funny pictures of your boss or a co-worker and tape your drawings all over the office.

2. Join a forum
Find an online forum of a random topic and join it. Now do everything you can possibly think of to make everyone mad. Sounds kinda silly, I know, but still funnier than working.

3. Watch Youtube
Go to Youtube and watch some funny videos. A great time killer, indeed. To spice it up a little you can turn the volume up to max, pick some inappropriate video and then blame it on your co-worker.

4. Play Sudoku
It can be pretty fun once you get a hold of it, and it can be quite addictive actually. A good way to pass the time if you don't find anything else to do.

5. Make your work a game
Imagine that you're a CIA agent spying on your co-workers. Find out their secret plans and stop them from completing them. Make up missions that you must complete. Avoid revealing your true identity.

6. Sleep
Everyone needs to sleep. Why not do it at work? Come on, I know you're tired.

7. Play online games
To play online games is a great way to make the time fly away. Find some cool games and spend your days trying to beat your old records.

8. Workout
Do some pushups, crunches, squats or dips. If you look around you, you will find a lot of stuff that you can use to workout. For instance, you can put your feet on the table and do dips on your chair. Just make sure your chair doesn't roll away.

9. Prank your boss
Search the web for inspiration. Pranking your boss will give you a good laugh, that's for sure. Plan every prank carefully and make sure you have someone else to blame if someone suspects you.

10. Go crazy
If nothing above works and you're so bored you feel like you're about to go crazy, let it out. Go crazy. Start running around screaming while you're doing whatever crazy stuff you can think of. It will feel great for the moment.

Stephen Miller is a freelancing copywriter writing on behalf of


Bored Today, Busy Tomorrow!

Some of you reading this may be bored today, but tomorrow just might get a little bit more interesting. Sometimes the day after a quiet day can get the best of us because we are ill-prepared for what is ahead. What you may consider doing while you are bored is planning for the future. Take the time to do whatever you have been putting off and try to get some things accomplished in your boredom.

Sometimes boredom can be misconstrued as laziness. We just don't want to do anything, so we tell others we are bored. A person who is a workaholic doesn't ever want to hear "bored." They are always coming up with something to do even when they should be taking a break.

Find what is interesting in all things. The boring speaker may have a nice looking wardrobe and he may offer some noteworthy tips between his "ums and ahs." The boring partner may be helpful to you when you aren't doing so well in accomplishing your dreams. The boring routines may be just what you need right now due to illness. See the unique, interesting and thought-provoking in all things.

Try taking the time out to research things that may be beneficial to you if you are in business, conduct a search for other jobs in your field, find someone who can direct you in a goal that you have been trying to pursue unsuccessfully. Whatever you do, avoid being bored. There will sometimes be those days when you are not interested in doing anything use that time to meditate or sleep.

Enjoy your boring day!

Nicholl McGuire


Tired of Playing Boring Blackberry Games?

As the Blackberry continues to evolve into a more mainstream phone that is attractive to users outside of the professional arena, it has become a convenient device for portable gaming. Since most users don't carry around a Nintendo DS or Sony PSP along with their phone, the Blackberry is a handy way to kill some time when you are waiting in line at the grocery store, shopping with your significant other, or just sitting in a waiting room.

As more and more games are released on this platform it can be daunting to select the right game for your specific device. You will also want to make sure that if you are going to spend your hard earned money that the game you are purchasing is good. There is nothing worse than buying a game and then after playing it for 5 seconds realize that it was not what you expected and that you have wasted your money. Games can range in price from.99 and up so this can quickly add up so you want to make sure you make the right choice based on your gaming preferences. Here are a few tips to help you find the best games for your Blackberry:

1. Shop on a site or mobile app store that has a good selection of games to choose from.

2. Read reviews from other users. Most app stores will show customer reviews for apps sold on their site. This will provide a good indication of how good a game is as many customers will be brutally honest especially if they don't like the game.

3. Download a trial version of the game if it is available. Many games allow you try out a few levels before you buy it. This is a good way to find out what you are getting before you spend a dime.

4. Comparison shop. There are several app stores with thousands of games to choose from so if you have time it may make sense to comparison shop to get the best deal since some sites may be running a sale.

Avoid lackluster, boring games for blackberry by shopping around and conducting research. For the latest games for blackberry shop

Bored, Fired, Looking for Something New...

If you are bored, then you aren't obligated to do anything or you are procrastinating to keep from doing what you know you need to do. Whatever your reason for why you are trust casually looking around on the Internet today why not make it count. Consider talking to someone about the sites they visit that either put money in their pocket, save them money, or help them invest money. Find out what new sites have recently hit the Internet scene that are worth your while in your industry. Look for some interesting sites where you can make your time really count such as help others solve problems.

But what if you were recently dismissed from your workplace, well you might want to consider taking a break from looking for a job. Sometimes people put alot of pressure on themselves to find a job because they feel that is the only way to make them feel better. However, those who have been unsuccessful lately looking for work can tell you that, that is the quickest way to stress you and those around you out. the key is to take your time. Find out what you can about what interests you then orchestrate a plan to get some things accomplished each day.

Lastly, if you are looking for something new, then you have come to the right place. I enjoy adding fun things to this site as well as worthwhile information too. I want to uplift every visitor's spirits in some small way even if their time on my blog is short-lived. So click around, subscribe, we don't post often, but when we do there is always something that you might not have thought of -- have a great day!


A Jack Of All Trades

I admit that I use to be a Jack of All Trades and a Master of None, until I had a private moment to reflect on my life. I discovered the only thing that I can say I am unusually talented in and went to school for most of my life, was writing. Everything from business letters to poems, I enjoy writing. It is my escape.

Over the years I have learned that to possess a single talent like writing and to only use it on special occassions, such as taking out your best dishware for holidays, is detrimental to your spirit. A person needs to exercise his or her talent or they will gradually lose it. What's even more deadly to the talent you possess is to distract yourself in other trades; therefore, becoming the Jack of All Trades and the Master of None.

Many different talents are a blessing and a curse. People notice you can do multiple tasks so they assume you want to be a part of everything they throw your way. "Hey come with me to this meeting, you would be great for this business." They think about how they can use your talents to make them money and further their own visions. Meanwhile, your talents are left sitting on a shelf collecting dust. I am guilty of this, spending too many years helping others achieve their goals to the best of my abilities and procrastinating on my own.

So what is the one talent that you truly possess? What do you feel you have mastered (and we are not talking about degrees)? Now is the time to fall back in love with it. I challenge you to eat, drink and sleep on it. Tell me about it.

by Nicholl McGuire


Top Speaker Says You Aren't Bored: You're Just Not Challenged!

There is that famous quip that says knowing you’ll be hanged in the morning has a way of clarifying your mind.
Suddenly, you’re challenged to make the best use of the time you have left. You might reminisce, or appreciate the quality of light in your cell, or whatever it is that doomed people celebrate.
Or, you may find new meaning in the term, “gallows humor,” making yourself giddy with irony in your final hours.

But you probably won’t be BORED if only because you have to squeeze years of life into minutes, and that would challenge the most imaginative of us.
Let’s back away from doomsday for a moment to consider something all of us suffer from to some extent: boredom. I maintain that we can only be bored when we’re not being challenged or we’re not challenging ourselves.

I’ve written before about Jim, my former boss at the car leasing company. He asked me how I would increase sales across the entire staff, and I believe I said something completely logical and wrong, like “Give them higher commissions!”

He believed the best way to bring out the abilities of a salesperson is to put him “into debt.” When you raise someone’s minimum payments each month, you challenge them to step up to meet or to exceed those demands.

And most salespeople, Jim said, will do just that: They’ll sell more.
You can try this for yourself, or take on a financially safer task. But whatever you do, the next time you feel bored, pile on the responsibilities, and that state of mind will be the least of your concerns!

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is the best-selling author of 12 books, over 750 articles, and the creator of numerous audio and video training programs, including "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant-a favorite among salespeople and entrepreneurs. For information about booking Gary to speak at your next sales, customer service or management meeting, conference or convention, please address your inquiry to:


Spiritual Eating Secrets - 3 Alternatives to Emotional Eating When Stressed, Bored, and Tired Out

The biggest shift you can experience is to realize that your emotions are just trapped energy inside of you. When this energy sits around and festers, it tries to do anything possible to get out. Unfortunately, you can deceive yourself into thinking that eating will be one of those ways.

Instead of turning to food, here are 3 other activities that can help you shake up that energy and avoid eating that you'll feel bad about.

Take A Long Relaxing Bath

Calming warm water can do a lot to ease a troubled spirit. Immersing yourself in the water while using some aromatherapy treatments can do a lot to help you find peace of mind. Make it one of your absolute stress free activities that you turn to. I also suggest listening to a relaxing audio book such as the Tao Te Ching or other spiritual work to help you make the experience even better.

Dance It Out

There have been times where I've been on the brink of complete sadness and needed to do anything to stop it. What do I do? I turn on the iPod, blast some of my favorite songs, and shake up all the pent up energy that I have inside. Dance until you feel the emotion flowing out of your body. Move and get inspired. If you cry, don't worry -it's just a sign it's working.

Drink A Cup of Tea

Whatever your emotion is, just sit with it for a while. To make sure you're not alone, have a cup of tea as you do this. Imagine the warmth of the tea melting your emotions away. Close your eyes each time you take a sip. Stop and do whatever it takes to get the emotion to flow out of you. Choose an herbal tea without sugar or caffeine as you want to silence your thoughts, not create more of them.

I'm pulling out all the stops and letting loose my FREE report "The Ten Mistakes That Sabotage All Your Efforts To Heal Your Relationship With Food" out in the world.

Just imagine what it would be like to be free from all the junk, misinformation, and lies that have surrounded your relationship with food in the past.
From Jeffrey Harold - The Eating In The Now Teacher

Work Can Be Fun

Work is fun when it is part of our mission, our quest. Work however, loses some of its luster when it becomes part of the routine with little long-term value. Residual income opportunities have the ability however, to provide lasting financial security and keep work fun!

It took me many years to understand a teaching of my parents that "work is fun." It was a teaching that went well beyond my childhood imaginings in both concept, and reality.

As I pursued a career, I had a mission and accomplishing this mission became the quest. A game of persistence, tenacity and ultimate achievement. There were certainly hard times but these were blended with a mixture of fun times and moments of exhilaration as the mission was accomplished.

What comes next though?

Is life a constant pursuit of one mission, only to achieve another mission? This mindset can wear the soul down and limit your ability to really "smell the flowers" and soak up the sunrays. So, with our careers achieved... many settle into "the routine." A time where the adrenalin rush subsides and a relative constancy in life is achieved.

However, inflation keeps climbing... kids come, dinners are more expensive, yearning to travel creeps in and the weekly paycheck remains constant. Then... our belief system tells us that the company owes us more for doing the same thing. A feeling of being trapped settles in and the fun disappears.

The problem though is not in the career that we chose, not in the company that provides our income... but the subdued reality that we get paid for what we do today, and tomorrow we will get paid for what we do then. If we want to pause, take a breather, take an extended vacation, our income stops. We feel trapped, there is no fun.

A few individuals have however, found a way to perform a task today... work hard and do it well... and continue to be paid for this very same task tomorrow, next week, the following month and the coming year(s). These people are all around you and in this type of work environment... you can really have some fun. After all, isn't it nice to be on the beach, or relaxing in your own backyard knowing that you are still reaping the fruits of your past labor?

Actors, musicians, insurance agents, landlords and business owners are just a few of these individuals. Now, the income these individuals earn in the beginning is usually a modest sum but as they persevere in their chosen field the earnings climb AND these earnings compound what is already being earned from past work. At some point in time, they have Multiple Streams of Income (MSIs) that will outshine any standard routine job these individuals have had as their Primary Source of Income (PSI). This is when they may choose to remain in their current job... because they have financial freedom (and security), they like what they do and get satisfaction from their chosen tasks.

Some however, opt to take a year long sabbatical and think of new ventures, some pursue the next challenge with greater vigor and others find ways to help others; after all, Abraham Lincoln once said... "you cannot help the poor by becoming one yourself."

If you are looking for financial freedom, you should contemplate supplementing your PSI with one, or more, MSIs. MSI opportunities are many and most can be generated from the comfort of your own home on a part-time basis. Do a search on the Internet for passive income, residual income or home business opportunities and become a small business owner.

With the right system, the right dedication and a sincere passion for building financial security... you can become independently wealthy. This combination of identifying proven systems and putting a residual wealth building formula in place means that you are working for yourself today, but you too will soon start to see your labor bear fruit more, and more, as time goes by. My parents were right... work is fun!

Rick Ruiz, Writer
Articles of interest regarding home business opportunities, residual income, money, debt, inflation, millionaire trivia and the attainment of a positive mental mindset.


Isn’t It Interesting That You Are Never Bored When Your Head Is In The Refrigerator?

We all know the secret of staying slim is not to eat yourself into oblivion! But if you stay at home and do the same things everyday, you’re going go be bored to tears. Monet Robier, a dancer/choreographer said, “Everyday there must be something I can't do, otherwise it's boring.”

At the age of 70 I retired. Happy days were ahead. I could do what I want, when I want and if I want to do nothing that’s okay too. I watched daytime TV, did the crossword puzzles, read the newspapers, and kept in touch with friends and family through email. I played some games on the computer and checked out the internet. Of course, I ate a lot because the food was there. When I did wander out, it was the mall or the supermarket where I could buy lots of goodies to keep me happy. When you’re retired, wandering aimlessly through the stores, spending money foolishly is not what you want to do. So what do you do? I didn’t want to be one of those old people sitting around waiting to die. I could see myself falling into a depression. Would you say I needed a new challenge in life!

The day of awakening came with a phone call from a friend. “The Parks Department has a Community Center nearby; they have all kinds of classes; let’s go check it out.” Now, I thought, what could I possibly do there? What I did find there was a low impact aerobics class that would help me take off the weight I had managed to put on. I joined the class, had a good time and met some really nice people. They were all discussing the line dance class they had joined and what fun it was. When I was about 10 years old, my brother who was five years older than I, used to practice his jitterbug on me and I grew up dancing during the wonderful era of the big bands. I didn’t get to dance much later in life and forgot how much I enjoyed it,

With a bit of trepidation I joined the line dance class. It wasn’t just country music anymore. They taught Mambo, Cha-Cha, Waltz, and I was in heaven. The only problem, since I was sure I knew how to dance, was thinking this was going to be soooooo easy! It turned out that I was the only newbie in the class and I also realized there’s no partner to lead me around the floor. At first I thought I must have turned stupid in my old age, but then realized that line dancing is mostly memory and my memory was not too sharp anymore. I was going to stick with it! The dances are a number of sets that are repeated during the dance and you have to be aware of the sequence, what steps come next. Fortunately, I did not take myself too seriously. Someone once said “dance as if no one is looking” so that’s exactly what I did. I laughed a lot, persevered and promised myself I would not give up. I finally did it! It all fell into place.

The moral of the story….. dance class is much less expensive than doctors and psychiatrists; it gives you a natural high! I lost weight; I lost inches; I started to eat healthier when I saw the weight loss and my memory has improved tremendously. I’m exercising my brain by learning something new with each dance. I learned so well, that at the age of 75, the Parks & Recreation Department offered me a job teaching line dancing. My students always compliment me on my youthful looks and demeanor; something I don’t mind hearing.

I just read that Socrates learned to dance when he was seventy because he felt that an essential part of himself had been neglected. Isn’t it funny that with all the aches and pains that come with age, I don’t feel a bit of pain when I dance? It must be that ‘natural high’.

About the Author
Helen Robinson is a Line Dance Instructor for the Parks & Recreation Dept. and has become a healthy eating and exercise devotee since she lost 40 lbs. Visit her website for tips and recipes free copy of "What to Eat When You Are Sick". Learn more about increasing your energy levels, how to alleviate your pain and speed your recovery.

Fired? The Interview Solution

So you were fired? Now what? How will you explain it when you interview?

There are many questions that plague job seekers. “What salary are you looking for?” is a big one. “Why should we hire you?” is another. And “Why did you leave your last job?” can leave you spluttering if you were fired and don’t know how to answer.

And most people don’t! After they’ve stumbled through a few answers—trying in vain to phrase it in an acceptable way—and are not invited back for a second interview, their fears are confirmed. No one will hire them because they’ve been fired.

Except that’s not what’s really happening. The problem is not that they were fired, but how they answered the question.

We don’t stay at a job our entire lives like most of our grandparents did. Not only is it common to change jobs, some believe it's the best way to leverage salary and career. While most of the changes may be of your own volition, odds are a few will involve being fired or laid-off.

Companies are bought out, merge, and consolidate, which means inevitably there’s a duplication of staff. It can be as simple as the new president wanting to bring in his own team. He probably didn’t even look at your capabilities, He just decided you were …outta there.

These departures aren’t as difficult to explain. You can say:

o “Our company was bought and the entire department was eliminated.” (It’s not me; a bunch of us were asked to leave.) Safety in numbers.

o “The new president wanted to bring in his own guy. I lasted about a week.” (It’s not me; the president didn’t even take the time to find out if I was good at what I do.) A prospective company can’t possibly hold something against you that’s so… impersonal.

o “The company was losing money and downsized.” (It’s not me; if the company had been profitable, I’d still be there!)

The common thread is, “It’s not me.” Therefore, I am not flawed, unwanted, performing poorly, or any other reason you can think up or worry about. But these types of partings, while they seem impersonal, can still have a detrimental effect. We’ll get to that in a minute.

The instances that cause real damage feel very personal, even when they aren’t. You are the only one who was dismissed, and what’s more, you know they’ll replace you. You’re caught off guard, angry, and frightened, too. In an instant, you’re on the defensive, which is usually where people remain. And that’s exactly what causes the problem.

Firing isn’t always about the individual, even though that’s who’s impacted the most. Sometimes it’s about the boss—especially bosses with issues. It might be about poor performance, but that’s not always negative. It could be the result of having different philosophies. For instance, the company may value those who work weekends, nights and holidays. You prefer to balance your life.

Once you’re fired, you can’t change the circumstances. But you can control how you view them. While departmental or companywide layoffs are easier to explain, they can also cause damage. You wonder, “If I’d been really good, wouldn’t they have found another spot for me?” In addition, you’re in an insecure place that sometimes is difficult to adjust to.

Take time to clear some tears or anger. If you’re tempted to recoil, rehash, threaten revenge or otherwise communicate with your previous employer, don’t. Remember one word: reference! Don’t burn your bridges. Leave the company gracefully.

Most importantly, detach yourself from the event and honestly examine what happened. That’s the only way you’re going to get any insight and begin adjusting your thoughts and perspective.

There are hundreds of reasons for dismissal, so no pat answer will suffice. The unequivocal rule is to tell the truth. If they discover you lied, you’ll be wondering for a long time how you’ll pay your bills. So when you’re asked why you left – tell them you were fired. Forthright brevity is best. It’s all in how you phrase it. The trick is a shift in perspective, which is easier when you’ve purged the defensiveness and shame.

Don’t give a long, rambling story or blame the company, your boss, or anyone else. Were you –even partially- at fault? Take responsibility. Did you learn from the experience? Say so. Are you completely at sea as to what happened? That’s okay.

Not every job is right for everyone. There are philosophical differences, chemistry problems, tough spots, and bosses who are difficult and self-absorbed.

Regardless of the reason, it wasn’t your perfect job or you weren’t quite what they needed. The great thing is that it was recognized (in whatever form) and everyone is moving on. The goal is to be real about what works for you and why the firing took place.

The first step, as trite as it sounds, is to look at it as a blessing. It may take some time to see, but no matter how bad it looks or feels, something good will come of it. Maybe it will be a better job, a chance to grow, or the realization that you hated your career – who knows?

But if you’re too busy being angry and defensive, not only will you miss the chance to capitalize on the positive outcome, but you’ll also keep experiencing negative consequences. When you're in a victimized frame of mind, you'll miss recognizing an opportunity and continue to perpetuate your unemployment.

Let’s examine two answers to the question: “Why did you leave your last job?”

HOLDING-ON HENRIETTA: I don’t know. I was doing my job. Everyone liked me. They always came to me for advice instead of our boss. When the other manager left, they promoted the assistant. She’s maybe about 28. I guess they thought she’d be good just because she’d been there a long time, but she really was a shrew. I think she hated me. She was always talking down to me. One time she took credit for one of my projects. She’s the one that should have left! I’m glad to be out of there.

OBJECTIVE OLIVIA: I was fired, actually. The assistant manager was promoted to manager because she had seniority and she was very good at her job. Unfortunately, she was young and perhaps she thought respect was automatically accorded instead of earned, because when everyone else began coming to me instead of her, it didn’t seem to sit well with her. Despite that I excelled in my responsibilities and met my goals, she let me go. I’m sorry to have had to leave the company. I learned a lot there.

Can you spot the differences? As the interviewer, what would you think?

You must work out a comfortable response. Rewrite it, rephrase it, and test it. Be able to say it calmly and sincerely. If you notice hesitation or discomfort, your words, your attitude—or possibly both—need adjustment.

There is no good or bad. There’s only perspective, which is your choice. Firing is considered “bad,” but what’s bad about being fired when a boss has issues? What’s bad about protecting a customer or not compromising your ethics? What’s bad about being asked to leave because the position description changed and doesn’t fit your job preferences or skills? What’s bad about being fired from a sales job for lousy numbers when you hate selling (and realize later that you’re relieved to be gone)?

When you’re comfortable with what happened, you’ll be comfortable with your response, and it will be much easier to look someone in the eye while you answer their question.

About the Author
Judi Perkins has been a search consultant for 25 years in both the contingency and retained market, with a short stint in the temporary and local permanent placement markets. She has owned her own firm and successfully assisted numerous repeat clients in hiring all levels of management. She is a Career Expert and Forum Moderator.

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