Have you ever felt like there was nothing more to life than eating, drinking, playing and working? What did you do to make you feel better about living? We all have been in that drought season where nothing is really happening. Life is quite simple and all we want to do is watch TV and eat. When your will shows back up to do something else, you simply do it without a thought.
So I had a season of taking my off days and just watching TV and eating, at first it was fun. Yet, things got boring quickly because my mind reminded me of other things I could be doing. My home needed a good cleaning. Some things needed to be organized. I also had some unfinished projects. Instead of filling my mind and belly up with more stuff, I sat quiet. I just sat in my chair with no sound up to my ears, no snacks to eat, and nothing to watch before my eyes. Before long, I found myself up out the chair putting my thoughts to action.
You might need a boost, a reason to be motivated to live again. Downtime can be best used by saving your energy just like saving money on your electric bill. You unplug and when you are ready to go again you charge up and do what you need to do to feel good about yourself and your accomplishments again.
Being active takes your mind off of a lot of unnecessary chatter in your mind. Children are good about escaping into a world that doesn't include parents, friends, and other stuff. When they set out to do something, they are fully engaged so much that sometimes they are late coming to the dinner table if at all. So take the time to think of all the things you could be doing right now other than browsing the 'Net, you know those important things you tend to put off. There is a world out here that could use your talent, service or skill.
Nicholl McGuire blog owner and author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?